
Showing posts from December, 2023

Genetic hijacking

 It sounds like a movie . 

Cruel genetics

 There is nothing else to say . 

Genetic lifesaver

 Nothing bad to say . 

Common genetics

 I normally cover rare . 

Paper retracted

 How many others have used genetic data in this unethical manner ? 

Unlocking genetic secrets

 I love things like this . 

Reproduction genetics

 Not all good . 

Miracle genetics

 That is a nice way of looking at things . 

DKD genetics

 I have no idea what that is . 

Genetic testing conflicts

 Nothing new there as it is big business . 

Gastric cancer genetics

 I know nothing about this cancer . 

Dementia and genetics

 Genetics plays some part in everything . 

Genetic risk and parenthood

 Some decide not to have children . 

Genetic testing of dogs

 Only vets will get rich . 

Pill genetics

 More complicated than the headline I have written . 

Still a good idea

 Mistakes will happen in genetic engineering like everything else . 

Multiracial genetics

 Can't be as bad as Tower Hamlets . 

Genetic fun

 This is what it is for many . 

Tech and genetics

 They are both interlinked . 

Business news

 As I have stated a number of times genetics is big business . 

Grape genetics

 I just like eating them . 

Gene therapy potential

 Be vary genetics is big bu siness . 

Friendly genetics

 I can't think of anything worse . 


 Was not aware genetic engineering was impacting t his . 


 Important genetic findings . 

Elite genetics

 I can't be bothered to call it anything e lse . 

Sprout genetics

 Just stopping eating them . 

Painful genetics

 I am only interested in pretty woman . 

Love genetics

 More of a curse than a blessing . 

Fraud genetics

 Would be useful to identify people who commit f raud . 

Poaching genetics

 Shame we don't have one for fraud in T ower Hamlets . 

Illegal genetics

 Hopefully this is only the start . 

Good overview

 There is a lot we don't know about genetic disorders in India . 

Genetic Christmas

 I ran out of original headlines years ago . 

Ancient parasite

Amazing what we can learn in generics . 

Saving lives

 A benefit of genetic testing . 

Native Australians

 I may have covered their genetics in  the past . 

Not genetic fun

 I can think of better gifts . 

Future of genetic research

 AI will play a big part in it . 

Depression and genetics

 The thing is not as easy as it s eems . 

Dolphin inbreeding

 Not a good thing in g enetics . 

Revisiting genetics

Everything is worth a revisit sometimes .  

Star Trek

 I think I have covered this once in genetics before . 

Genetic excuse

 Many people including me are just greedy . 

Cold cases

 I have not covered them for sometime in genetics . 

Basic facts

 Need more of this in genetics . 

Interesting finding

 I was not expecting this in genetics . 

Slavic genetics

 Seems to be in the same region . 

Happens in nature

Genetic modification is not new .  


 Genetic errors play a major part . 

Family genetics

 Everything changes . 

Age genetics

 I prefer sexy woman to look y ounger . 

Unknown epilepsy

 There are so many kinds of genetic epilepsy . 

Genetic admission

 This story has been running for sometime . 

Rare student genetics

 Makes for interesting r eading . 

Little known country

 I doubt anyone knows anything abut it's g enetics . 

Race and genetics

 A lot has changed since I was a student . 

Genetic biobank

 It is interest free . 

Stress and mental health

 Seems to some genetics . 

Genetic battlefield

 Interesting perspective on pregnancy . 

ITV News on mass genetics

 I have covered this from The Guardian perspective . 

COVID genetic engineering

 They will not consider this as they are into a witch hunt .