
Showing posts from 2023

Genetic hijacking

 It sounds like a movie . 

Cruel genetics

 There is nothing else to say . 

Genetic lifesaver

 Nothing bad to say . 

Common genetics

 I normally cover rare . 

Paper retracted

 How many others have used genetic data in this unethical manner ? 

Unlocking genetic secrets

 I love things like this . 

Reproduction genetics

 Not all good . 

Miracle genetics

 That is a nice way of looking at things . 

DKD genetics

 I have no idea what that is . 

Genetic testing conflicts

 Nothing new there as it is big business . 

Gastric cancer genetics

 I know nothing about this cancer . 

Dementia and genetics

 Genetics plays some part in everything . 

Genetic risk and parenthood

 Some decide not to have children . 

Genetic testing of dogs

 Only vets will get rich . 

Pill genetics

 More complicated than the headline I have written . 

Still a good idea

 Mistakes will happen in genetic engineering like everything else . 

Multiracial genetics

 Can't be as bad as Tower Hamlets . 

Genetic fun

 This is what it is for many . 

Tech and genetics

 They are both interlinked . 

Business news

 As I have stated a number of times genetics is big business . 

Grape genetics

 I just like eating them . 

Gene therapy potential

 Be vary genetics is big bu siness . 

Friendly genetics

 I can't think of anything worse . 


 Was not aware genetic engineering was impacting t his . 


 Important genetic findings . 

Elite genetics

 I can't be bothered to call it anything e lse . 

Sprout genetics

 Just stopping eating them . 

Painful genetics

 I am only interested in pretty woman . 

Love genetics

 More of a curse than a blessing . 

Fraud genetics

 Would be useful to identify people who commit f raud . 

Poaching genetics

 Shame we don't have one for fraud in T ower Hamlets . 

Illegal genetics

 Hopefully this is only the start . 

Good overview

 There is a lot we don't know about genetic disorders in India . 

Genetic Christmas

 I ran out of original headlines years ago . 

Ancient parasite

Amazing what we can learn in generics . 

Saving lives

 A benefit of genetic testing . 

Native Australians

 I may have covered their genetics in  the past . 

Not genetic fun

 I can think of better gifts . 

Future of genetic research

 AI will play a big part in it . 

Depression and genetics

 The thing is not as easy as it s eems . 

Dolphin inbreeding

 Not a good thing in g enetics . 

Revisiting genetics

Everything is worth a revisit sometimes .  

Star Trek

 I think I have covered this once in genetics before . 

Genetic excuse

 Many people including me are just greedy . 

Cold cases

 I have not covered them for sometime in genetics . 

Basic facts

 Need more of this in genetics . 

Interesting finding

 I was not expecting this in genetics . 

Slavic genetics

 Seems to be in the same region . 

Happens in nature

Genetic modification is not new .  


 Genetic errors play a major part . 

Family genetics

 Everything changes . 

Age genetics

 I prefer sexy woman to look y ounger . 

Unknown epilepsy

 There are so many kinds of genetic epilepsy . 

Genetic admission

 This story has been running for sometime . 

Rare student genetics

 Makes for interesting r eading . 

Little known country

 I doubt anyone knows anything abut it's g enetics . 

Race and genetics

 A lot has changed since I was a student . 

Genetic biobank

 It is interest free . 

Stress and mental health

 Seems to some genetics . 

Genetic battlefield

 Interesting perspective on pregnancy . 

ITV News on mass genetics

 I have covered this from The Guardian perspective . 

COVID genetic engineering

 They will not consider this as they are into a witch hunt . 

A lot of genetic data

 I am not sure if I would give mine . 

Genetic treasure

 I prefer the real stuff . 

Burial genetics

I love the use of geneitcs in history .  

Genetic testing in India

 I hope it is not abused for things like sex selection . 

Genetic wipeout

 We need to be careful with this . 

Not genetic

 Many would love this . 

Too late

 Sadly the case for many in genetics . 

Baby genetics

 some good news . 

Genetic access

 This is in Australia . 

Irish newborn genetics

 Not going to make any offensive c omments . 

Hockey genetics

 I got to call it something . 

Unlikely genetics

 Many racists will be upset . 

No need for genetic research

 We know weed is bad for you . 

Weed genetics

 Don't take the horrible stuff . 

Terrible news

 We need to stop this kind of genetic decline . 

Genetic awareness

 This is not really news . 

Severe genetics

 The word is could . 

Northern Ireland genetic risk

 This seems quite alarming . 

Apples and pears

 Good genetic research as they are essential . 

Don't take it

 This is important genetic r esearch . 

Bison genetics

 This article makes me hungry . 

Horrible genetics

 I hate happy people . 

Ocean genetics

 I will learn about this later . 

Interesting COVID genetics

 I actually find this interesting as I am turned off the whole COVID thing . 

Uncommon genetics

 I a too tired . 

Genetics and lung cancer

 This looks i nteresting . 

Same thing

 I thought heredity and genetics meant the same thing . 

Vegetable genetics

 This seems like a good idea . 

Slow news day

 Feels like it in genetics . 

Risk genetics

 We should be careful with life insurance . 

Genetic spotlight

 Only the beginning . 

Genetics and depression

 The costs will make you depressed . 

Christmas genetics

 This is kind of touching . 

ALS genetics

 I need to learn more about this . 

Genetic marketing

 This is what this looks like . 

Genetic determination

 It is very important in some cases . 

Armless genetics

 I got to call it something . 

Poor girl

 Genetics can be horrible sometimes . 

Genetic caution

 The word is maybe . 

Genetics and race

 Africa also has white people . 

Genetic danger

 We should be careful with genetic editing .

That is a lot

 I am surprised by this kind of stuff in genetics . 

Monkey genetic engineering

 This seems like a bad idea . 

Genetic ringleader

 It is not the mafia . 

PTSD genetics

 Should do study n Gaza . 


 This is the key word in genetics . 


 This could be a major genetic story . 

Genetic association

 This is a tricky area . 

Peacekeeping genetics

 Nothing to do with Gaza .

Genetic twist

 This sounds like a novel . 

Genetics and computing

 Lack the energy for this . 

Genetic marriage

 Not what you think it is . 

Cancer genetic promise

 It is too early . 

New genetic method

 Too complicated for me to understand . 

Legal questions

 Genetics and law is complicated . 

Wrong part

 We can learn a lot from genetics . 

Hearing genetics

 Try this at the mosque . 

Chip genetics

 It is more complicated . 

Sea stars

 I know nothing about them or their genetics . 

Hidden genetics

 I like this . 

Genetic win

 Read it to understand it . 

The basics

 We need more of this in g enetics . 

Abortion and genetics

 Religious fanatics are a danger to society . 

Not new

 Genetic counseling has been arouond for sometime . 

Genetic repeat

 I have covered this befor e. 

Even more

 It is up to you whether to take those genetic tests . 

Genetic battle

 Another good story . 

Genetic knowledge

 I would rater take the risk .  

History and genetics

 I love covering this . 

Brain tumors

 Some are genetic . 

Flu genetics

 I was not aware people blamed vaccines for this . 

Screen time genetics

 Parents need to be better at managing their chidde n. 

Both sides

 We need this in genetics . 

Pulse genetics again

 I covered this story last time . 

Pulse genetics

 She is kind of cute . 

Common genetics

 I saw the word COVID and I could not read anymore . 

African genetics

 Good to see new project launched . 

Genetic shame

 Insurance companies need to step up . 

Bold genetics

 This is a major issue for me . 

Genetic encounters

 This could be a movie . 

Nothing new

 I have covered this genetic story many times . 

Still debating

 This is an old genetic debate . 

Different views

 I like covering them on genetics . 

Nothing is safe

 Including genetic data . 

NHS genetic death

 It could be they are looking for someone to blame . 

National security

 This is a important issue in genetics . 

Heart health

 ARe those genetic tests reliable ? 

Genetic rip off

 Be aware of those tests . 

Breast cancer again

 I am looking for new genetic stories . 

Genetic justice

 New concept to me . 

Genetic warning

 I have not covered one in sometime . 

Chicken flu genetics

 I am only interested in eating them . 

TV genetics

 What else can I call it ? 

Winter genetics

 Not strictly true . 

Al Jazeera on genetics

 Teh best news service around . 


 Important part of genetics . 

Wild relative genetics

 Luckily I am not related to them . 

QMW genetics

 Don't mention the Islamic Society . 

Cold hands

 Interesting genetic article . 

Blood genetics

 I have not covered this much . 

A bit late

 I have already covered this genetic story . 

Pain genetics

 It is awful . 

Genetic breach

 Someone will make a lot of money from this . 

Vegetarian genetics

 I am a meat eater personally . 

Blog on pause

 I am pausing this blog until we get internet back at hour home. Currently there is no internet and the company which  according to the Trust Pilot review is excellent so far lied to us did not phone us back and will  provide us with a  engineer to come and check our connection two weeks after we have contacted them. It is difficult to get them on the phone and it is a waste of time  they  have wasted our time and energy if we could we would break the contract.  I will post genetics news once we have got the internet back again.   I can't be bothered to post  a review on Trust Pilot but if I did post one it would be calling them liars  and time wasters.  Hyperoptic Fibre Broadband Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of (

Sunlight genetics

 This is odd . 

Deeply personal

 This genetic documentary will not be a easy watch . 

Genetic Alliance

 One of many charities to s upport . 

Cousin genetics

 I hate most of mine . 

Genetic puzzle

 Many things in life are puzzles . 

Help her

 She needs all the help she can get with this genetic disease . 

Fake brain genetics

 I love catchy headlines . 


 I don't know much about this Google owned genetics company . 

Unique African genetics

 Can't wait to hear what the racists say . 

Genetic practices and breed

 Pracices and breeding are key to many things . 

Google genetics

 Ironically covered by Yahoo . 

Real genetic risk

 We hear so many conflicting things . 

Some are genetic

 However not all are g enetic . 

Genetic honour

 This is touching . 

Intersex genetics

 I do not care . 

Odd genetics

 I don't know what else to call it . 

Eating and alcohol

 Interesting new genetic findings . 

Cortex genetics

 I have never thought about it .

Male fertility

 Many men will claim they don't have those genetic disorders . 

Unnecessary harm

 Those genetic tests are dangerous . 

Trump genetics

 This ought to be interesting . 

No point

 I would not take the genetic test . 

Partly genetics

 That means there are other things which maybe more important .

Dark side of genetic testing

 This is what I will call it . 

Oxford genetic hope

 More details required . 

Happiness genetics

 I hate those people . 

More details

 This is a genetic tragedy . 

More information

 This is a serious heart genetic disorder . 

Smoking and ageing

 New genetic findings . 

Genetics and abortion

 Thare are too many fanatics . 

Prefer genetic solution

 I hate healthy lifestyle . 

Epic genetics

 This is what I will call it . 

Not faking

 This is a genetic tragedy . 

Old genetic news

 I have covered this many times . 

Historic crime and genetics

 This time it is California . 

Genetic blessing

 I would sell the horrid thing off and make money . 

More new genetics

 We will get more of this . 

Genetic star

 I have never seen the show . 

Fake genetics

 Will we see more of this ? 

Life insurance and genetics

 We should be careful as life insurance is based on risk . 

Genetic benefits of education

 Another reason to go to university . 

Early cancer genetics

 Plenty of money to be made for HCA . 

Smoking genetics

 There are plenty of bad fathers . 

FBI and genetic evidence

 I hope the FBI have done nothing wrong . 

Important fact

 Many forget this in genetics . 

Stressful job

 With this genetic condition he should be careful . 

Covered this

 Genetic recycling is common . 

Khan Academy

 Seems to have a lot of good stuff on g enetics . 

Genetics and maths

 I hate maths . 

Common genetics

 I am interested in rare ones . 

Genetic access

 This will become a major thing in future . 

Genetic clues

 Only the start as there are other things . 

Genetic luck

 Humans are lucky to s urvive . 

NHS genetic battle

 They do happen from time to time . 

Genetic protection

 I am sure it is more complicated . 

Bipolar and genetics

 Interesting article worth a r ead . 

Genetic excuse

 I am fat because I eat too m uch . 

Strange genetics

 You get all sorts . 

Successful heart surgery

 Some genetic good news . 

Too much

 There must be other genetic news a round ? 

Wagner genetics

 A lot coming from Russia . 

Dead genetics

 Can we trust Russia ? 

Same genetic article

 Are many places posting the same on e ? 

Broad genetic test

 Genetic testing is good if used properly . 

Something positive

 Even with horrible genetic diseases . 

Cracking genetic code

 This is a good start . 

Genetic lies

 You should not trust p eople . 

Y genetics

 Elon Musk would love this . 

Genetic danger

 Be careful of what you eat . 

Gene therapy promise

 Have been covering this for years in g enetics . 

Genetic testing scam

 I have not covered this in a long time . 

Genetic role model

 I say good on her . 

HS genetics

 I can't be bothered to read the article . 

Careful genetics

 We should be careful with this . 

Otzi genetics again

 I have never heard of this man . 

Loss after genetic loss

 This is kind of sad . 

Brain organisation

 Largest ever genetic r esearch . 

Indian genetic fraud

 It actually happened in the United States . 

Genetic proof

 More like angry man . 

Brain malformation genetics

 The brain is very important . 

The genetics of genetic research

 This is actually a serious issue . 

Genetic rescue

We will be asking this more and more often . 

Iceman genetics

 He may identify as a woman . 

Montreal international genetic research

 This maybe harder after bill 96 . 

computational genetics

 Playing a important role in breast c ancer . 

Carer genetics warning

 People should take note . 

Harmful microbe

 Interesting genetic article . 

Watermelon genetics

 I am only concerned with the taste . 

Cataract genetics

 I know very little about this . 

Forget the facts

 Some genetic fanatics don't care about them . 

Genetic pain

 Sadly too common . 

Greedy China

 Genetic data should be shared . 

Hidden genetic maths

 I am no good at maths . 

HIV infection genetics

 It is no longer the killer it was . 

Genetic doubt

 The beauty of law . 

Closer genetics

 This is kind of touching . 

Genetic hearing loss

 I have never heard of her . 

Empowering people

 I thought genetic data was to make money . 

Genetic overlap

In future we will get more of this . 

Genetic views

 We need more of this . 

Crazy genetics

 I agree with the headline . 

NHS genetic treatment for babies

 There is always the private s ector . 

Genetic tracking grant

 Is it worth it ? 

Hair loss

 Not sure if mine is genetic . 

Sweet genetics

 The picture is nice . 

Bad parents

 They have no genetic shame . 

Genetic settlement

 No permission was given in the first place . 

Genetic movie

 Will it be any good ? 

Bread and grain

 This is very important genetic work . 

Genetic life

 They should do a genetic biography . 

HIV genetics

 No longer a big story . 

Genetic memory rally

 Very nice of those people . 

Fashion and genetics

 Teh story is more complicated than it sounds . 

Reef Manta Rays

 I know nothing about them or their g enetics . 

Genetic fundraiser

 What a good idea . 

Genetics and philosophy

 A must read from S tanford . 

Still no comment from Pope

Isn't he interested in virgin genetics ? 

COVID cover up genetics

 Many don't want to talk about this and give China a free ride . 

Smoking weed is stupid

It can do things like alter your genetic code . 

No comment from Pope

 Doesn't he have a view on virgin genetics ? 

Virgin birth genetics

 No comment from the Pope yet . 

Ghost genetics

 Who comes up with this headline ? 


 The whole of their genetics needs to be sequenced . 

Information theory

Have not heard of this in regards to genetics . 

Another stupid genetic idea

 This will only divide people . 

Fragile X genetics

 Elon Musk will be very happy as it has an X . 

Is it genetic?

 There are many things to unpick here . 

IVF genetics

 Big money to be made . 

Mental health genetics

 This is a complicated answer . 

Long COVID genetics

 I stopped caring . 

Quebec genetics

 Nothing to do with language . 

Autism and genetic defects

 There si so much we don't know about autism . 

More fruit

This would be a good benefit of genetic engineering .  

Stupid genetic idea

 What more can I say . 

Another one solved

 We need a genetic d atabase . 

Modest benefits

Are genetic risk scores worth it ? 

Walking genetics

 You can learn a lot from bones . 

Fake genetics

 I have written a unkind h eadline . 

Genetic tests and children

 They do offer some benefit . 

Dingoes genetics

 I can't learn as I will not pay to read . 

Genetic testing ban

 Insurance companies need to assess risk . 

Sligo genetics

 Some place in Ireland . 

New form of MS

 What else can we learn from g enetics ? 

Genetic passports

 Good idea so long as they are not for humans . 

Complex traits

 It has a genetic legacy . 

Same mistake

 A lot of genetic testing will be offered by private sector . 

Support genetic news

 I try to bring the best genetic news that I can but I need assistance on how to make money from this blog so any ideas contact me.

Not just NHS

 When writing articles about things like genetics it is important to remember the private sector . 

Unique genetics

 This is what I will call it . 

Oldest human genetics

 I wonder how long before even older is d iscovered?  

Genetics for research

 This is what I will call it . 

Infant genetics

 This can help many children . 

Dogs and humans

 Many genetic links in regards to cancer . 

Dental costs

 This genetic research must have been expensive due to dental costs . 

WGS and genetics

 Not sure what this is . 


 Greatly overlooked in genetics . 

About time

 This genetic idea has been talked about for many years . 

Controversial genetics

 I see nothing wrong in this . 

MS progression

 I know nothing about MS genetics . 

Terrible genetics

 I have suffered a few times . 

Good question

 To the genetic point . 

Genetic longshot

 Genetic cures can take ages . 

Young heart genetics

 The article is a bit more complicated . 

Diverse genetics

 The woke are very happy . 

Maize and heat genetics

 Maize  is a staple crop . 

Genetic business futures

 It is hard to predict the future . 

Incredible gesture

 Human genetics is very complicated and so are the social reactions . 

Pre birth genetics

 This will hopefully help expecting mothers . 

Grateful genetics

 WE need more of this . 

Rewriting genetic destiny

 I haven't really thought about this to be honest . 

Genetic testing waiting time

 I had no idea it was so long . 

Genetic editing and therapies

 How much impact will editing have on therapies ? 

Knowledge is power

 Not just in genetics like state support for the IRA . 

Not genetic answer

 Don't eat too much . 

Breast cancer genetics again

 How much genetic variation is there in breast cancer ? 

Genetic testing articles

 Nature are providing a list of them . 

Life insurance fears

 Interesting article about genetic testing in Australia . 

Disney funeral

 Nice genetic send off .

Informed consent

 Doesn't work with genetic data . 

MS risk

 The main thing is what you do with this genetic finding . 

MS progression

 Genetic breakthrough could prevent it . 

Wealth genetics

 What does Sir Keir Starmer think of this ? 

Genetic explanation

 It is only the start for him . 

Bigger rabbits

 One of the benefits of this genetic research could be more meat . 

Fetal therapies

 New exciting area of genetic t reatment . 

Genetic privacy threat

 It maybe too late . 

Interested in taste and not genetics

 I love eating chickpeas . 

Indian health genetics

 Not sure what Modi is up to . 

Not me

 I would just ignore the genetic r esults . 

Genetic dark matter and blood pressure

 This is ore like science fiction or a action movie . 

Chickpea genetics

 I love eating them . 

Important to woman

 This genetic research does not have any impact on man . 

Menopause genetics

I know nothing about this as I am not a woman . 

New genetic disease

 We are going to get more and more of those . 

Crime genetics

 We are getting more and more of those stories . 

COVID genetic connection

 As I have stated I am fed up with COVID . 

Human genetic changes

 The kind of thing I am interested in . 

Cancer genetics

 It is a big marke t. 


 Could we get a genetic cure someday ? 

Disgusting genetics

 I find coffee to be disgusting . 

Complex genetic trait grant

 It doesn't appear to be that big . 

Language genetics

 Do they want to be like Quebec ? 

Genetic donation

 Please support this good cause . 

Sheep genetic emissions

 This story is a lot more complicated than it sounds . 

Genetic data abuse

 Good to see FTC taking action . 

Genetic understanding

 I will need sometime to understand this article . 

Genetic support

 We need more of this . 

Hunger genetics

 Never seen before . 

No genetic cure

 Sadly this is one of many . 

Prevention or cure

 This is a future genetic prospect so nothing may happen now . 

Insulin genetics

 I know nothing about insulin.  

Older genetics

 Must be hard to find a man . 

Farming genetics

 It was a important development in our history . 

Dark Knight genetics

 I have never heard of this actor . 

Genetic lifestyle

 Plenty of loser dads around . 

Complicated headline

 I love genetics but I don't understand this . 

DNA theft

 This is a area of genetics which I am sure I covered before . 

Kidney drug genetics

 There is a summit . 

Ethical issues

 There are many in genetic testing . 

Genetic praise

Charities don't get enough of this . 

Editing cold genetics

 Humans don't have this ability . 

Pain genetics again

 I covered this sometime ago . 

Bad news

 This  genetic modification could increase egg prices . 

Exercise and disease

 Very interesting genetic article . 

Great genetic story

 Sadly it will be overlooked due to the scandal . 

Allergy genetics

 Allergy is a major problem now . 

Painful genetics

 What else can I call it ? 

Genetic justice

 This was discussed on S ky News . 

Another genetic group

 There seems to be a lot of them . 

Student genetics

 I don't to be honest understand this . 

Diabetes medication

 There is a genetic impact to it . 

Primate genetics

 Some are more intelligent than humans . 

Beyond genetics

 This is true love.  

AI and genetic prediction

 How long before AI replaces genetic researchers ? 

Genetic health risk prediction

 This is big business . 

Jewish dementia genetics

 This is the headline I have chosen . 

Baldness genetics

 I have lost a lot of my hair . 

Genetic first

 I would have thought they would have done this by now . 

Young hearts

 Will many take this genetic test ? 

Not just electricity

 South Africa is lacking in genetics as well . 

Young women

 You would not associate heart attack genetics with them . 

Genetic bet

 There is a lot of money involved in this kind of stuff . 


 I quesiton many genetic promises but not this one . 

Village genetics

 There is more to this story . 

Cold case genetics

 This time it is Canada . 

Genetic programming group

 I know nothing about genetic programming. I will not be joining the group . 

Cold case genetics

 Another cold case solved using genetics . 

Genetic closure

 For his family and the people who knew him . 

Genetic worry

 Many people have the same worry . 

Morgan Wade genetics

 I sometimes listen to country but I have never heard of her . 

More details

 More people with this genetic mutation die early . 

Painelss genetics

 It can have many negative effects . 

Cooking genetics

 What else can I call it ? 

Scottish genetic links

 Many English will have this . 

Genetic offloading

 I was not aware this was a t hing . 

Premature aging and PTSD

 They are genetically linked . 

Genetic prevention

 There is nothing else to say . 

Pict warriors

 I have covered their genetics before . 


 This should be enough to access genetic t esting . 

Genetic toy story

 You will have to read it to understand it . 

Drug genetics

 No mention of low IQ . 

Stroke genetic testing

 How many types of stroke are there ? 

Pict warriors

 I know nothing about them or their genetics . 

Background genetics

 This has been overlooked by many.  

Genetic hope

 I will wait to see it . 

Head growth genetics

 I have never heard of this . 

Dementia linked

 Interesting genetic research . 

Poor Biden

 This genetic research will really upset him and his Irishness . 

Alzheimer's genetics

 It is more complicated than it appears . 

Newfoundland genetics

 It was not originally a part of Canada . 

Dementia genetics again

 In the last post I meant to say most not everyone . 

Dementia genetic secrets

 Everyone will get it sooner or later . 

DIY genetics

 I was not aware of this . 

Baby genetic help

This baby needs our help . 

Body weight genetics

 Somehting for woman to get excited about . 

Bantu genetics

 What do they think about coming from Congo ? 

Another genetic program

 How many have been launched recently ? 

Bold genetic statement

 Can they back this up ? 

New genetic database

 I don't feel very excited . 

Parented genetics

 I wonder how many birth parents were losers ? 

Nose shape genetics

 This could be a historic t hing . 

Epilepsy group

 Hopefully it has some genetic information . 

Dementia risk

 I know many people who need those genetic t ests . 

World genetics day

 We could do with one . 

Genetic tragedy

 Despite all the money his father has . 

Modern and ancient

This time it is wine genetics . 

Genetic share price

 No idea what will happen next . 

Treatment failure genetics

 It is only a prediction . 

Genetic nightmare

 Not sure what I would do . 

Charity genetics

 Hopefully this works . 

Universal genetic testing

 What about the costs associated with it ? 

AMD genetics

 Good work Australian researchers . 

Inuit genetics

 I know nothing about Inuit genetics . 

Genetic evidence

 I prefer London over Bristol . 

Blood sample genetics

 Is this a new thing ? 

Difficult choice

 Many others will face this in genetics . 

Genetic blessing or curse

 It could I suppose be either . 

Hearing loss

 It is more common than this genetic disorder . 

Information is power

 Also a big money spinner in genetics . 

Genetic attention

 We need to see what the costs of possible treatment are . 

Interesting genetic group

 I have not joined as I am not a professional in the field . 

Indian port city genetics

 Considering it is a port city this is not surprising. What do the BJP think of this ? 

Genetic and insurance

 I have not covered this in years . 

Humans and animals

 This is very important genetic research but it will not solve the COVID qu estion . 


 Lot to do with human disease genetics . 

Always something new

 It is a big genetic business . 

Genetic concert

 This is a good thing . 

Facial changes

 It has some genetic basis . 

Very true

 This is what people should consider when taking genetic tests . 

New medical research group

 I could not find so I set it up. Hopefully genetics will play a big part in this . 

Get rid of genetic evidence

 This is what criminals need to learn now . 

Genetic clarification

 According to Metro it is 5 months wait . 

NHS wait

 There are many with and without genetic conditions who have to wait . 

Understanding genetics

 This is what I will call this . 

Genetic gossip

 This is more gossip than news . 

Preventing genetic disease in dogs

 Interesting article from the University of Cambridge . 

Sex genetic switch

 Some of my relatives need to control it . 


We don't cover this enough in genetics .  

Mum genetics

 Not sure I understand this fully . 

Sex genetics

 Some dirty old man would get turned on by this . 

Some genetic diseases

 As I have said in my last post what about the rest ? 

Not all

 Some genetic disorders will have to have other cures . 

Missed people

 This is the problem with things like genetic scoring it is the worried will we use them . 

Not worried

 We need to be calm about things in genetics . 

Bird flu genetics

 Could this be the new COVID ? 

Channel4 genetics

 The channel is full of rubbish . 

Next genetic move

 How long will it take ? 

Local angle

 This is what they do in news not just genetics news . 

Mum to the rescue

 This could be a genetic superhero story . 

Genetic disabilities

 There are so many of hem . 

60 new genetic disorders

 I am sure there will be more . 

Ireland as well

 This genetic study is not just confined to the UK . 

Baffled NHS

 This is a genetics story .