
Showing posts from March, 2023

Genetic links

 What about the type that adults get ? 

Genetic growth

 It is a major business . 

A bit late

This  is a old genetic story now . 

Swahili genetics

 I just thought it was only a language . 

Wilson's disease

 Rare genetic diseases are my passion . 

Genetic welding

 I am sure there are many other suggestions . 

Emmerdale genetics

 This is an old story which I have covered sometime ago . 

Potential genetics

 We still have a long way to go . 

NHS genetics

 How can the NHS afford this ? 

Generation genetics

 My blog and I can call it anything I like . 

Huge genetic study

 There is a lot of them now . 

Reality genetics

 I have never heard of Gemma Collins . 

SNP genetics

 This will be very useful for the SNP government of clowns . 

Genetic law

 I knew nothing about this . 

Genetic scandal

 What will they come up with next ? 

Croup genetics

 Poor Scottish lad . 

Blind faith

 Sounds like religion rather than genetics . 

Beethoven genetics

 He is more famous for music . 

Substance use genetics

 Substance is a major problem in places like America and Scotland . 

COVID origins again

 I doubt we will learn very much from this genetic research . 

COVID genetic evidence

 It is just g uesswork . 

Stem cells

 I have not covered this topic for ages in genetics . 

Blood cancer genetics again

 I have covered this story once b efore . 

COPD genetics

 I have heard a lot about it . 

Blood cancer genetic test

 I don't know much about blood cancer . 

Genetic clues

 Will we get proper answers ? 

Genetic confirmation

 I am sure there are many others like it . 

COVID origins

 This will be the next big thing in genetics now that we have moved on from how to stop it . 

Now dogs

 The genetic origins of COVID is getting more confusing . 

Expensive cure

 There will be plenty of other expensive genetic cures . 

Only 2

 There must be more who suffer from this genetic disease . 

Escaping genetic fate

 I have escaped a horrible genetic fate but not other members of my frailly sadly . 

Perfect boobs

 I would like to see how she won the genetic lottery . 

Genetic bullying

 This is not acceptable . 

Racial labels and genetics

I agree with this after studying race as part of my degree .  

Genetic animal model

 Has this been done before many times ? 

Perfect breasts

 She claims to have won the genetic lottery . 


 This is very good genetic marketing . 

Alport Syndrome

 Genetic research news from the University of M anchester . 

Black death genetics

 This is the kind of stuff I love covering . 

Military genetics

 This is a nice thing to do . 

Genetic dark circles

 This is a new thing to me . 

Rare genetic cancer

 How many types of cancer are there ? 

Mouse communication

 There is a genetic basis . 

Genetic happiness

 We don't get that very often . 

Big lips genetics

 Everything is genetic now . 

Genetic basis of fingerprints

 I have not covered something as basic as this before . 

Plant genetics and crops

 Anything we can to have better c rops . 

Genetic confirmation

 I think I have covered this before . 

Cold case genetics

 How many have there been ? 

Elite athletes

 Some genetic good news for them . 

Ethical questions

 This area of genetics is moving faster than the ethics . 

Younger genetics

 I knew someone who was 30 plus but looked like a schoolgirl . 

Rock genetics

 He is been generous with his money . 

Fertility genetics again

 Birth rate has fallen in the UK . 

Cold case genetics

This is a good o verview . 

Fertility genetics again

 This time it is the Belfast Telegraph . 

Genetic treaty

 This is a good idea and hopefully the first of many . 

Fertility geneitcs

 It is big business they can open a cl inic . 

unknown genetics

 There is a lot we don't know about histor y 

Spray genetics

 There could be a lot more of this . 

Genetic discrimination

 Would have been very useful to H itler .