
Showing posts from February, 2009

Motor neurone gene

One has been found but it is only really for 10% of sufferers.


$5 million on genetic and enviornmental research.

Ivan Cameron

Today I am paying tribute to the son of the Conservative leader who suffered from Ohtahara Syndrome. The doctors are not sure whether it is genetic or not but it is important to pay tribute to a brave boy who was expected not to live as long as he had lived. Cheers Ivan.


Genetics could have some impact.

Dental genetics

This is an interesting article on the future of dental care .

NHS genetics

It seems like a good idea if it had the money to carry it out.

Pope genetics

He must have some kind of gene that makes him a moral bastard.

Wheat genetics

Liverpool are working on it .

Neaderthal genetics

Basic information .

Genetics clinical trial

Looks interesting but confusing .

Drug genetic test

Imperial are launching it .

Cold genetics

Even more news .

Pressure genetics

This is an interesting article about blood pressure genetics .

Pollution genetics

It seems that traffic pollution could have an effect on genetics in the womb.


It seems that surnames may have a lot to do with genetics .

Cold genetics

Thoere maybe an effective treatment for colds.

Human, primate genetics

I thought that primates were more intelligent than some humans .

Empathy genetics

What will they find next ?

Public acceptance

According to the Times the big problem with genetic testing now is public acceptance. The public have a right to be worried about this.

Heart attack genetics

This is an interesting article on it.

Wolf genetics

I never understood the whole point of wolves . Maybe someoe can enlighten me.

Thyroid genetics

This is an story about the genetics of thyroid cancer from the New York Times.

MS gene

This is early researc and too early to tell but nevertheless it is interesting .

Genetic opera

I am sure I covered this before it's a new article .

Fast review

For a genetic drug from the FDA.

More on Parkinson disease

It seems that changing a certaind gene on mouse does have an effect.

Parkinson's genetics

It seems that scientists may have found a link between enviornmental and genetic causes .

Obama dog

An interesting story which also includes some genetics for example interbreeding. I am not talking about Bush and Blair.