
Showing posts from 2021

Extreme genetics

 This seems to be pretty extreme . 

Genetic material

Interesting idea . 

Coffee and choclate

 There is a genetic element to it . 

Income genetics

 What would Adam Smith s ay ? 

Epilepsy management

 Important article about epilepsy and genetics in ch ildren . 

Cancer risk genetics

 Everything is about data now . 

Black women and genetics

 A lot more besides racism . 

Very good genetic news

 I wish I had this. Those people are very lucky . 

Root genetics

 The picture looks very good . 

Genetic Algorithms

 The future is already here . 

MS genetic risk

 Interesting article from Scotland . 


 i don't cover Pakistan genetics very often . 

Afghan genetics

 More to Afghanistan tham war . 

Spider genetics

 How many kinds are there ? 

Genetic investing

 There are risks associated with this . 

Why so long?

 This is not a new genetic technique . 

Pets and humans

 Interesting genetic article. We have a cat . 

Elf genetics

 Best headline I could come up with on short notice . 

Ramsey genetics

 I covered this story last night . 

Wine grapes

 Some interesting genetic research on their history . 


 This genetics story brings some back . 

SUDS genetics after 1

 It is a terrible thing for all those left b ehind . 

Early genetics

 You have to read the article to understand this . 

China genetic testing market

 Let's not forget that COVID was created in China . 

Genetic bias

 I have covered this before . 

Genetic modelling

 Does it have any of the those problems ? 

British Pakistani genetics

 Pakistan is a country so there is no ethnic or religious groups called Pakistani . 

Lifestyle genetics

 I have been covering this topic for ages . 

Easy genetics

 Alaska doesn't have many people . 

Genetic bias

 How big an issue is that ? 

Genetic X factor

Nothing to do with the TV s how . 

Beyond genetics

 I don't know what else to call my h eadline . 

Gene therapy

 I have not covered this area of genetics in a ges . 

Genetic abortion law

 American abortion laws are all about politics and religion . 

Skin care genetics

 Most people don't need this r ubbish . 

What about genetic diseases?

That is the main theme of this blog. Boris has gone too fa r . 

Genetic variants

 This is a rather interesting a rticle . 

Missing genetic switch

 We have all the light switches and they all work . 

COVID music again

 Why am I getting the same genetic stories all the time ? 

COVID genetics

 There seems to be only one story on COVID genetics not sure where the rest are . 

Far too complicated genetic headline

 Headlines should be simple and easy to understand. They are not helping genetic understanding . 

COVID genetic song

 I have covered this once before . 

COVID genetics and Japan

 Japan is a unique country in many ways . 

Brain genetics again

 I have not covered this due to COVID for a long time . 

COVID music genetics

 I wonder what those fanatics in SAGE think of this ? 

Verdict overturned

 We will hear more about this in genetics . 

Kids and genetics

 Can't read this article in the UK . 


Interesting genetic article from the country that tried to stop COVID.  

Evenings with Genetics

 Sounds like one of those things which I don't watch on the telly . 

Support genetic research

 People have to raise a lot of the money . 

Genetic help

 Good to see this in Belfast . 

Boring genetics

 If I did that I would be bored . 

Deer genetics

 This aritlc is well worth a read . 

Not surprising

 I have been covering genetics for ages . 

Omicron genetics

 This is the first of many articles about this variant . 

New use for IVF

 In the many years that I have covered genetics I have not really come across this . 

Rare disease

 Some important genetic news . 

Genetic stuttering

 Along with COVID now.  

Marriage and genetics

 Who said romance was d ead ? 


 It is an important genetic testing market . 

Genetic lottery

 I know nothing about the health system in A ustralia . 

Europe genetics

 This is after BREXIT . 

Genetic sale

 I would not buy this . 

Suicide genetics

 This is not a easy topic for many .

Genetic testing challenges

 I don't think I cover this topic enough . 

Welcome back

 This genetic research is ala rming . 

Genetic testing horses

 It is important considering how much they are worth . 

Crimminal genetics

 I hope the RCMP are careful with t his . 

Yahoo on new COVID genetics

 There is still so much we don't know about it . 

New COVID genetics

 I am getting sick of C OVID .

Vaccine genetic changes

 This time nothing to do with C OVID . 

Genetics and flu

 It is a very interesting genetic history . 

NBA genetics

 More than just a game . 

Early genetic testing

 This is not really news it is more like fact . 

Genetic death

 Those stories are always sad . 

Genetc call to action

 I am nore interested in his job . 

Genetic differences

 This article is well worth a read . 

Where to start?

 Genetic testing is not a easy discussion for many families . 

Lucky kitten

 Good to cover some genetic stories . 

Genetic awareness

 This family is doing g ood . 

Midwife genetics

 Doctors at the hosptial will not be happy . 

Good genetic news

For people in A ustralia . 

Many genetic charities

 You of course don't have to support genetic charities but you can support any one . 

Whitechapel development

 Genetics will be a important part of i t . 

SMA drug

 Interesting article on this genetic drug . 

Genetic treatment on NHS

 There will be more treatments like this and not all will be offered by the NHS . 

Genetics, ethics and China

 More will come out on this . 

Newborn genetic screening

 I personally feel it is very important . 

Roma genetics

 Some ethical concerns have been r aised . 

Genetic engineering and pandemics

 I have not thought about this to be honest . 

Getting ready

 To see a genetic c ounselor . 

Cheap genetics

 I am not interested in those tests . 

Updated genetic map

 there are plenty more that need to be updated . 

Helping farmers

Genetics will be very important in the future of farming . 

Genetic award

 This time it is for care . 

Genes and selfish genetics

 Richard Dawkins would have a lot to say about th is . 

More genetic testing

 Huge amounts of money to be made . 

Hidden genetics

 This seems to be a thing in g enetics . 

Kidney family genetics

 I am surprised by the things I find in my genetic searches . 

Love of music

 This is one of the reasons why I love covering genetics . 

Genetic loss

 This is sad news . 

Good genetic test

 I am sure others will come a long . 

Look genetics

 I just wnat more pretty women . 

Genetic support

 Give them the help they need . 

Personal genetic data

 We need very strong regulation on this i ssue . 

Massive genetic data

 Is it worth reading it ? 

Fins and limbs

 They share some genetics . 

Genetic opera

 This is kind of cool . 

Bears, tribes and genetics

 Interesting article about bears in British Columbia . 


Nothing new in covering genetics . 

Royal genetics

 After the death of her husband and Prince Andrew as well as the Sussex fools this is good n ews . 

Very lucky

 Must be exciting playing with this new genetic tool ? 


 I am still amazed by this kind of genetic f indings . 

Rare genetics

 Some good news . 

Heart and autism

 Interesting genetic article . 

Back from the dead

 This is a area of genetics which needs careful consideration . 

Genetic link

 You will have to read the article to understand it . 

Not in Egypt

 Not much genetic research done in the developing world . 

Be careful

 I don't trust those genetic tests . 

African genetics library

 I can't think of any jokes about this . 

Genetic Goldmine

 Same time as COP26 is happening . 

Sea creature genetics

 I am more interested in eating them . 


 Getting genetic tested depends on a whole range of things . 

Housing genetics

 I do not do property on this blog . 

Fertility and genetics

 This kind of article was bound to come out sooner or l ater . 

Important figure

 I never heard of him in all those years of covering genetics . 

Hispanic women genetics

 The headline needs a bit of work . 

TV genetics

 I hate that show . 

Another take

 I have covered housing genetics last night . 

Not surprising

 As AI is all about data and this is what is needed in genetics in case this . 

Place and genetics

 This is not as simple as I have presented it . 

Genetic Biomarkers

 Still need to learn a lot more about this . 

COVID genetics again

I think I have covered this before . 

Horse genetic facts

 We are learning more and more about history and society through genetics . 

Very useful

 This guide on cancer genetic testing will benefit many . 

Genetic diversity

 It is very important for c rops . 

AI and genetic diseases

 Interesting article from Yahoo News . 

Genetic testing rebate

 This seems to be good news for the users of Medicare in Australia . 

Walking genetics

 You will have to read it to get the joke .  

What about US?

 Are they collecting any genetic d ata ? 

Military technology

 Genetics plays an important part . 

China and genetic data

 I would not trust any goverment with my genetic data . 

Genetic cancer risk

 COVID it seems is not the big story now . 

Less effective

 Genetics has a lot to answer for . 

Genetic vaccine market

 I don't know anything about this market to be h onest . 

TB Genetics

 It is common in some parts of London . 

Genetic repeats

 I am not a big fan of repeats . 

Better genetic tools

 This appears to be good news . 

Book review

 For some reason there are very few when I do a news search for genetics . 

Genetics and physical

 Interesting article on depression . 

Women of color

 This genetics article is clearly an American article on a UK domain website . 

Law enforcement and genetics

 There are a lot of things which they could be doing . 

Out of Africa

 This will not be easy for many people in genetics . 

Genetic risk factor

 Is this really news considering what we know about genetics ? 

Possible genetic treatment

 Some good news for sufferers . 

Clinical depression genetics

 All the more important now because of COVID . 

Genetic mapping

 It is a shame I can't read maps . 

Good news on Jewish genetics

 Many in the Labour Party will not be happy with this news . 

New species genetics

This article is beyond me . 

Genetics and behaviour

This is as old as genetics . 

New genetic resource

 This time it is Type 2 D iabetes . 

Unique genetics

 Humans are different from other animals in many ways . 

Genetic testing and epilepsy

 From personal experience I know how important it is . 

Genetic frontiers

 This is like Star Trek of genetics . 

Regional genetics

 Manchester working with partners. They have always done that . 

Genetic ban

 Is there any point as other countries will do this research ? 

California genetic privacy law

 It is a good state for laws like this even though it is the home of big t ech . 

Rare disease policy

 After covering genetics for years I was not aware of this policy in India . 

Genetic data bill

 This is a very important law . 

Sharing genetics

 Some people are just unlucky . 

Genetic rescue

 This is the kind of headline that I like . 

Healthy genetics

 Healthy people better watch out . 

Salmon mating

 Interesting geneitc findings . 

Genetic battle

 Interesting article from New Zealand . 


 This is very important research for many men . 

Genetic racism case

 I thought we had some a lready ? 

More protection needed

 How much of an issue is genetic dsicrimination in Australia ? 

First genetic treatment

 Hopefully many others will follow . 

Business basics

 Be careful as you could lose your money in genetics . 

Easier way

 I am no fan of running for genetics or running for anything . 

New clues

 Genetics helping with cold c ases . 

Genetic distress

 Seems to be a important legal case in India . 

Holllywood genetic support

 It is good of Lewis to support her . 

New genetic test

 This seems like a good i dea . 

Cancer and genetic mapping

 As I have said I can't read maps .

Identical twins

 Genetics could solve this mystery . 

Genetic abortion law

 More details on the law which has been blocked by a federal judge . 

Abortion law

 It does involve genetics as well . 

Brain genetics

 We need a lot more research on this . 

Genetic discrimination in New Zealand

 The bloody woke Prime Minister needs to take some action on this issue . 


 Is genetics becoming boring ? 

Dance genetics

 I know nothing about t his . 

Genetic story

 Not just of humans and animals but also liver cancer . 

Genetic warning

 People should be careful when using genetic tests . 

Genetic testing value

 It also makes a lot of money for some people . 

Common cancers

 There is a lot of money in common cancer genetics . 

Human traits

 Some interesting genetic findings . 

Genetic mission

 Plenty of companies are on this . 

Genetic award

 I am not in a position to comment about this award . 

Genetic legacy

 This can explain a lot of history . 

Genetic regulation

 I think it is a different kind . 


 Important in genetics like all areas . 

Business genetics again

 We need a lot more better articles on this area . 

Genetic concerns

 This is why we need very strong regulation in this area . 

Genetic closure

 That is a long time to wait . 

Another genetic story

 Those genetic stories are worth reading . 

Polar bears

 They also have a genetic problem as well . 

No name

 This will be a genetic journey for the baby . 

Genetic runner

 I also hate running and any form of exercise . 

Modern Japan

 I have covered this genetics story last time . 

History of Japan

 It is not a strong point of mine but hopefully with genetics we can learn the actual h istory . 

Simple articles

 A note articles about genetics should be simple so people will want to read them . 

Genetic charity night

 Some good work in S cotland . 

Expensive genetics

 This is the future of m edicine . 

Royal genetics

 Don't get me started on the bloody parents . 

No genetic panic

 I was not expecting this to be honest . 

Genetic paradox

 This is a very good headline . 

Some good news

 I support genetic e ngineering . 

Genetic key

 I agree testing is very important . 

Genetic islands

 Nothing like real ones . 

Protein genetics

 This story is well worth a read . 

School genetics

 A lot of people don't have this . 

Unethical research

 There must be more than 2 papers in genetics ? 

Genetic traits

 They are behind so many things . 

Genetic lottery book

 This book might be worth a read . 

Genetic support needed

 Consider making a donation to this girl . 

Smart technology

 Not strictly genetic related . 

Maize breeding genetics

 For many people it is a staple food . 

Sex and genetics

 It is not what you think . 

Genetic links

 Tried to stop Turkey joining the EU . 

Dog genetics again

 As I have said don't buy those dogs . 

Rwanda and breast cancer

 Interesting genetic article . 

A first

 This must be the first time that a genetic scorecard has no benefits . 

Machine learning again

 A vital area of genetics . 

Race and genetics

 I hope the woke are OK with this genetic research ? 

Genetic counseling for men

 I hope that many men take it up . 

Bad genetic dog

 Many may think the blog post tittle is a bit unfair . 

Community genetics

 This is a interesting article . 

New genetic technology

 Can it live up to the promise ? 

Genetic loss

 We have far too much of t hat . 

Diseased dogs

 New genetic research proves this . 

Machine learning and genetics

 I have covered this and I am sure I will cover this again . 

Another cold case

 We need a genetics TV show . 

Genetic diversity

 i know nothing about comb jellies . 

Epilepsy genetics

 They provide better tr eatment . 

Genetic nursing

 Not on top of the list of many people . 

Better tests

 This raises a lot of questions about genetic te sts . 

Hidden genetics

 We need to alert the police about t his . 

Genetic risk scores and epilepsy

 Good to see it been used to benefit p eople . 

IVF, genetics and Japan

 Don't know much about genetics and Japan . 

COVID and ethnic groups

 Could this be classified as genetic racism ? 

War genetics

 Took me sometime to figure this o ut . 

Second genetic code

 Do we really need to engineer a second genetic code ? 

Potential genetics

 I cover this a lot . 

ASB genetics

 Plenty of people in Tower Hamlets have it . 

Hispanic genetics

 Is this genetic racism ? 

Genetic fossil

 After all this time the make up must have worn off . 

Trout genetics

 There must be better uses for this ? 

Diabetes and genetics

I have not covered this in ages . 

Genetic testing in children

 Interesting article not sure if I understand it or not . 

Excited Taliban

 I am sure they are reading this genetic research . 

Pregnant and genetics

 Many women would be interested in this . 

A lot

 Interesting question about genetics degrees . 

BSc Genetics

 Are there many of those d egrees ? 

Direct to consumer genetics

 I cover this a lot and as you know I have some worries . 

More details

 We are getting more details on the genetic misdiagnosis . 

Heart genetics and children

 I thought it was mainly old p eople . 

Genetic profile

 I am interested in the man behind the research . 

Genetic mistake

 There will be more of them . 

Not everyone

 Some people need this genetic thing . 

Kidney genetic map

This is a major development . 

Croatian genetics

This is a interesting genetic take . 

Advanced genetic tech

 This is the kind of stuff that costs a lot of money . 

Genetic testing story

 We need to hear more of them . 

Ethnic genetics

 Another interesting article . 

COVID genetic risk

 I have covered a lot of genetic COVID related stories . 

Genetic paywall

Shame I would have loved to read this . 

Misleading genetics

 I hope that they will pay a lot in compensation . 

Corn genetic map

 I am sure some will find it interesting . 

Genetic series

 I don't listen to or watch much BBC . 

Genetic testing fraud

 Everything is now associated with fraud . 

Genetic protection

 We could do with more of that . 

Can't read

 As I have stated before I can't read maps so genetic maps are no use to me . 

Chicken run

 This is the genetic version of the movie . 

Politics of genetics

 This is the kind of important meeting we need more of . 

Bizarre genetic experiment

 There is always a reason behind everything . 

Hearing loss

 This is an important genetic article . 

Autism genetics

 Genetics and social behaviour in infants is a new t ake . 

CF cure

 I hope that this genetic promise actually happens . 

Machine learning

 I have covered this before. I believe it will play an important part in genetics . 

Genetic engineering video

 I have not seen it so I can't comment . 

Cracking genetic code

 i am too tired to be excited about this . 

Women and genetic age

 Many women lie about their age . 

Genetic hunt

 This raises a number of ethical and legal questions . 

Vodka genetics

 People should just stick to the facts . 

Machine learning and genetics

 Very soon there will be no need for humans . 

Age and genetic secrets

 Many women will have a lot to say about this . 

Celebrity genetics

 I don't normally cover this kind of stuff . 

Fertility genetics

 Fertility is a major problem for many people . 

Sex cells again

 The woke are having a good cry over this genetic research . 

Not a genetic point

 How long does this plant actually live for ? 

Sex cell genetics

 The woke are having a good cry about th is . 

Genetic lottery winner

 We should remember all the children who have not won the genetic lottery . 

A lot

 COVID has been good for genetic sequencing . 

Cats and human genetics

 Cats are far better than dogs in my view . 

Basic questions

 We need a lot more in g enetics . 

Death and genetic secrets

 Death is a essential part of life . 

No thank you

 As I have said before I would rather take the genetic risk . 

Genetic take

 The last post I posted has a interesting genetic take on this . 

Some genetics

 It is very brief but the episode is worth watching . 

Genetic engineering again

 This time it is the New York Post . 

Genetic debates

 The public don't care about them . 

Benefit of genetic engineering

Critics of genetic engineering should read this article . 

Genetic chances

 I would rather risk it . 

Latino genetics

 Is that racist or not? I am sure the woke will tell me . 

Hearing loss

 Interesting genetic treatment . 

Woke genetics

 Genetics is going woke like the whole world . 

Genetic wait

 10 years is sometime . 

Genetic interview

 I missed it the first time round . 

Genetic links examined

 There is so many to be examined still . 

Women and genetic testing

 This is a very interesting article about women over 65 . 

Massive advance

 This is a massive advance in genetics when the test is 15 times better . 

Genetics and depression

 It is a bit more complicated than the headline suggests . 


 Scientific fraud seems to be a big problem. Genetics is a major business now . 

Unlocking genetic clues

 This is like a genetic mystery . 

Football and genetics

 Football is less about sport and more about money . 

Business genetics again

 I cover this a lot . 

Good news for Wales

 When it comes to testing for cancer genetics . 

Genetic lottery

 It could be argued that life is a lottery . 

Genetic dreams and nightmares

 This sounds like a horror show from BBC . 

Genetics and environmental

 This debate has been going on for ages . 

Same but different

 This is how I would sum this genetic story up . 

Pie genetics

 You will have to read the headline to understand . 

Genetic truth

 People of Australia need to know it . 

Perfect match

 There is no such thing even in genetics . 

Cancer risk

 Genetic diseases are bound to impact a lot of things . 

Came from China

 I wonder if Trump has read this genetic research ? 

Global policy challenge

 China collecting genetic data is not good for anyone . 

Best ever

 Genetic tests are getting better and better . 

Mixed race again

 In years to come this will be a important part of genetics . 

Headache genetics

 I don't know anything about this to be honest . 

Mixed race genetics

 I wonder if they will redo some of the western movies n ow ? 

Importance of genetic counselling

Genetic counselling will be used for far more besides this . 

Important genetic study

 We need all the help we can with pests . 

Sunflower oil genetics

 To be honest I don't know anything abut it . 

Court action

 This alleged genetic data sharing will most likely end up in the courts . 

Partial genetic match

 This is very rare genetics indeed . 

Genetic death

 I have never heard of him . 

Genetic transfer

 I have always found this topic interesting . 

Military genetics

 I would not trust China with anything . 

Genetic engineering platform

 We are going to I suppose need one sooner or later . 

Ocean genetic library

 The fish will not be able to read the stuff in the library . 

COVID genetics again

I have been covering those stories for sometime . 

It's back

 This is utter genetic rubbish . 

Easier genetics

 This is what I like to hear . 

Relative genetics

 i wonder which famous person I am related to ? 

Genetic luck

 It could just be down to luck . 

Rett syndrome

 Interesting genetic article on it's mechanics . 

Comprehensive genetic study

 We could do with more of them . 

Stone genetics again

 It is important that more people understand what this girl is going through . 

Genetic risk scores

 Genetic risk scores are not a quick solution . 

World first

 This genetic story is behind a paywall which I can't read . 

Genetic fighter

 She is one brave girl . 

No surprise

 After covering genetics for so long I don't find this surprising . 

Old murder case

 Solved by using new genetic technology . 

Sexual activity

 it to also could be genetic . 

Skinny genetics

 What does this mean for exercise ? 

Stone genetics

 This is just terrible the poor girl . 

Genetic success

 This is the first of many . 

Genetic limits

 There are some for doctors it seems . 

Genetic quirk

 I love covering strange things . 

Genetic letter

 I can't read this genetic letter as I have not paid . 

Genetic claims

 There will be many more with vaccines . 

Genetic market report

 Get them all the time I can't be bothered to read this one . 

Ethical genetic engineering

 I am sure there are plenty more examples like this . 

Genetic lottery

 There are many others who have lost out . 

Genetic first

 I will be covering many more in the future . 

Vaccines and genetic code

 No one has talked about this for sometime . 

Bee genetics

 Clone army and a genetic fluke. Sounds like a sci-fi movie . 

Global genetic search

 I wish her luck in finding the doctor . 

Some good genetic news

 We need more of this kind of good news in genetics . 

No genetics

 The last story I posted on this mentioned genetics . 

Missing genetic data

 Has been found in relation to COVID. I am sure there will be plenty more . 

Life beyond genetics

 There is more to life than genetic disorders . 

Timing genetics

 I thought that some people were just lazy . 

Genetic regulation

 This would be a good idea in this regard . 

Dubai genetics

 Dubai is a backward place . 

Ocean genetics

 I love looking at those pictures . 

Unique genetics

 There is a lot of strange things about COVID . 

Genetic abuse

 This is a bit like genetic rape .

Our genetic story

 There is so much that we still don't know . 

Racial trauma

 There is no genetic basis for race. What is this crap ? 

Right on genetic engineering

 I have been saying this for years . 


 Genetic testing is changing how we understand them . 

Genetic merger

 I have been covering 23andMe for ages and I was not aware of this . 

Mutant genes

 They can make a genetics cartoon out of this . 

Genetic scam

 I am sure there is plenty of them around . 

Genetic running

 I hate the idea of exercise . 

Still growing

 Genetic testing is a good business to go into . 

Genetic evolution

 It is been replaced by culture . 

Humans and genetic evolution

 This is something new to me . 

Genetic screening article

 Can't read it as I have not paid to read it . 

Genetic link could

 Could is a word which I don't like very much . 

MND and genetics

 There is more to it than meets the eye . 

Breast cancer risk genetics

 Used to cover this a lot before COVID came along . 

Zoo genetics

 Tis is a wonderful story . 

Race, genetics and COVID

 Even though there is no such thing as race in the genetic sense . 

COVID and genetic sequencing

We have learned many interesting things . 

Genetic summit

 This is a important event . 

Cold case genetics

 It is not worth killing people as you will get caught sooner or later . 

Early genetics

 Interesting article about dogs and humans . 

Charity search engine

 No genetic charities are listed. It is not as good as Ecosia as you can't search for news. It needs services like email and groups . 

Genetic fact checking

 We need more of this . 

HIV and ageing genetics

 There is a lot more to HIV than I have realised . 

Genetics and infections

 Age is a major factor in this. This year it will be the flu . 

Bombshell genetic proof

 The question is does the proof stand up or not ? 

Genetic sequencing and cancer

 Nothing new in this really . 

Breaking the genetic chain

 It will not be cheap as IVF can be very e xpensive . 

Genetic support dog

 This is good news for her . 

COVID warning

 Could be a genetic false alarm . 

COVID and genetic luck

 Some people have all the genetic luck when it comes to COVID . 

Race and genetics

 Still plenty of racists around . 

Important genetic breakthrough

 I can't read it to see how important it is as I don't pay to read the Financial Times . 

Variants and genetics

 Nothing to do with COVID . 

Genetic first

 I have covered this story before . 

Genetic bucket list

 It is difficult with COVID . 

Northern Ireland genetics

 Nothing to do with politics. This is a health issue . 

Right decision

 On balance I feel the NHS have made the right decision on this very expensive genetic drug . 


 New genetic form in children . 

Genetic tricks

 If humans lived that long there would be a problem with pensions . 

Language genetics

 I have always been interested in languages . 

Genetic origins

 No need for long and complicated headlines . 

New insights

 We get this all the time in genetics . 

Fitness and diet genetics

 I am not interested in this but some fanatics will be . 

Genetic testing challenges

 Many people would be interested in finding out what they are . 

Genetic depression again

 Another article on genetic depression . 

Genetic depression

 I am more concerned about COVID and depression . 

Not so simple

 This genetic research is bad news for racists in South Africa . 

Bipolar genetics

 I have not covered this for sometime . 

Horrible woman

 Teaching Harry this genetic crap . 

Not for me

 I don't want this genetic treatment . 

Scottish Island genetics

 They need people for a study . 

Blindness cure

 I am happy with my genetic bl indness . 

Political genetics

 Economic Freedom Fighters will have something to say about this . 


 For anyone covering genetics this is very exciting . 

Genetic testing hope

 We will have to wait and see what the hope is . 

Jewish genetics

 Very interesting and timely article considering what is going on in Gaza . 

Genetic sequencing and COVID

 By the time they find anything it will be too late as the variant would have already s pread . 

Gut genetics

 More interesting than it sounds . 

Very rare

 One of six in the world with this genetic condition . 

South African genetics

 In South Africa things like this tend to be very political . 

Genetic thanks

 Considering the risks . 

Diabetes genetics

 I use to cover this a lot before . 

DIY genetics

 I am personally against t his . 

Who cares?

 No one cares about his genetic p ain . 

Major genetics

 Who said signatures are boring . 

Urban genetics

 It is different from non urban paired populations . 

COVID and genetic code

 i have covered this a few days ago . 

Police and race

 This is a very delicate area of genetics . 

Too right

 Coming up with this genetic pain crap . 

Genetic anger

 This is what genetic pain does to people . 

Genetic pain again

 His vile wife is the bigger pain than his family . 

Genetic pain

 I doubt Prince Harry knows what it is . 

Genetic pain

 Marrying that stupid woman has impacted his brain . 

Genetics and policy

 This is already happening . 

Brain disease

 The most complicated area for genetic therapies . 

Dog genetics

I am more into cats . 

Genetic code and COVID

Some very interesting findings on COVID and genetic code . 

COVID and genetic clotting

 Clotting is a major issue with COVID . 

Genetic editing

 Seems to be a new technique . 

Breathing genetics

 A lot of interesting things in this article . 

Potential genetics

 Potential is a word I don't like in genetics . 

Genetic medicine

 There is a lot more than 20 companies involved in genetic medicine . 

Old news

 I have been covering cancer genetics for a long time . 

Indian COVID

 Don't need genetic testing to know it is in the UK . 

Genetic search

 It will not be easy to find it . 

Too long

 This if you ask me is the bad side of genetics. 105 is too long to live . 

Rare genetics

 This is the kind of thing I like covering . 

Genetic drivers

 Genetics is not like computing . 

Bond genetics

 You will have to read it to understand it . 

Genetics and drug response

 Interesting to see what those genetic tests will reveal ? 

Mending DNA

 The genetics of longer life . 

Genetic exposure

 Don't know much about this . 

Mainstream genetics

 I see nothing wrong in that . 

Genetic ALS

 Can be difficult for people to talk about . 

exciting developments

 This is a exciting part of genetics . 

Tea genetics

 I have never heard of this tea before . 

Genetic abortion laws

 Will many follow Arizona ? 

No DNA change

 Very interesting genetic article worth a read . 

Genetic sequencing

 It is key to tracking COVID . 

Genetic risk

 You will get this more and more from your family . 

Blood cancer

 A new genetic test . 

Alternative genetics

 It could be argued that those viruses have sense . 

Market update again

 I am the Ian King of genetics . 

Genetic variants

 This is a interesting article . 


 This genetic abortion ban is nothing but politics . 

Interesting question

 There are many in genetics . 

Genetic destiny

 Here is how to change it . 

Songbird genetics

 i would like to pretend that I know something about them . 

Lab news

 This lab is doing interesting genetic work .