
Showing posts from January, 2025

Very expensive genetics

 How can this be s ustainable ? 

World first again

I have covered this genetic story once before .

Vulnerable genetics

 This bad n ews . 

Genetic warning system

 How effective is it ? 

Declining genetic diversity

 There is hope though . 

Bacteria genetics

 The story is a bit more complicated . 

Angry Trump

 This genetic experiment will set him off . 

Womb genetic treatment

 This is  major development in UAE . 

ADHD and cannabis genetics

 Not everyone with ADHD takes dope . 

Kidney failure genetics

How effective is this ? 

Bad genetic name

With all the knife crime . 

Hungry genetics

 They have a valid reason but some I know are just g reedy . 

Common genetics

 Too early to say what it means . 

Blue eyed humans

 Lots of interesting genetic st uff . 

Genetic judgment

 We need more of this . 

Genetic loci

 I have no idea what that is . 

Could genetics again

 I do not like this word . 

Complete genetic map

 Sadly as I have said before I can't read them  

Toxic genetics

 I have not heard of this in Australia before . 

Cataract research

Is there much on g enetics ? 

Poor girl

 This is one nasty genetic holiday . 

Genetic mystery

 I was not aware of this o ne . 

Genetic ignorance

 I don't want to know my r isks . 

Genetic lottery winners

 They are lucky people . 

Genetics podcast

 I am interested on things like genetics podcasts and YouTube channels . 

Fresh hope

 Genetics is very promising . 

Genetic errors

 We all have them . 

Clarissa Ward genetics

 It is actually her son . 

Eye genetic research

 Interestng stuff from Australia . 

Cataract genetics

The research conducted by them includes genetics .

Sight Research UK

 They do a lot of genetic research . 

Genetic meaning

 It is too early to tell now . 

Eye genetics

 A lot of good information on this topic . 

Not radiation

 There could be another genetic a nswer . 

Depression genetics

 It is very complicated . 

Divorce genetics

 I know a lot who should get divorced . 

Superbug genetics

 They are really dangerous . 

Eye genetic research

 There are many charities doing th is . 

Genetic editing

 I can see horror movies . 

One of a kind

 I am sure there will be many genetic databases like this in the future . 

New genetic database

 It looks p romising . 

Nasty surprises

 I hope this genetic testing does not come up with many . 

World leading genetics

 I am sure many can make  the same claim . 

Key questions

 Don't know anything about those genetic disorders . 

EastEnders genetics

 I have never seen this dreadful show . 

Rewriting history

 I have been saying this  in genetics for y ears . 

Good genetic tweak

 This is the kind of stuff I like . 

Treatment hope

 This is wonderful genetic news . 

Ancient genetics

 This is like history . 

No direct genetic cause

 Not everything is genetic . 

Good potential

 Th'is is the kind of genetics I like . 

Another genetic warning

 We need more of them . 

Genetic weapons

 There is a whole lot more to this story . 

Alaskan genetics

 I don't knowmuch about the state and it's genetics . 

Genetics and energy bills

 It is bitterly cold today . 

Not certain

 Key world in this genetics article is may . 

Lafora information

I was looking for the latest research on this horrible genetic disease .  

Evolving genetics

 Our understanding of human health  and genetics is still evolving . 

Genetic tests for every women

 Does this include trans ? 

Genetic bias

 This will get the woke angry . 

Genetics and IQ

 Here is the latest research .

Geneitc dangers

 This is overlooked .