
Showing posts from 2024

Long life genetics

 To some this is a curse . 

Care needed

 This is a  sensitive area of g enetics . 

Genetic friendship

 This is wonderful . 

Deeply personal

 This is deeply personal genetic  stuff I would not write to a newspaper . 

Empowering families

 As I have said genetic testing should be voluntary . 

Dangerous genetics

 When using soruces like Israeli on Palestine we need to be careful . 

Genetic generosity

 This is very touching . 

Genetic kill required

 We need to find  a genetic way of killing them  

Pentagon genetics

 I suppose anything is possible . 

IBS treatment

 As with many areas of genetics the key word is could . 

Too far ahead

It is too early for some of those genetic predictions . 

Global food production

 This is important genetic research looking at how much things cost . 

Important for Alaska

 This is  important genetic stuff for the state . 

Genetic mandates

 I am against them as people should be given a choice . 

New genetic tool

 This is too complicated for me . 

Bed bug genetics

 They are horrible . 

Sacrifice genetics

 We now offer animals instead of humans . 

Genetic regions

 This is not geography . 

Genetic data privacy

 This is a very complicated area . 

Flu vaccine genetic hope

 I am sure  something else will come along to  kill people . 

Plano police genetics

 I have never heard of the place . 

Unknwon genetics

 I have covered this before and we are gong to see more of this in future.  

Veteran genetics

 Many hate wars . 

Super genetics

 They are disgusting and  revolting . 

Nothing new

 I have been covering autism genetics for ages . 

Right on genetics

 I fully agree with this article . 

Human reproduction genetic traits

 Some need to stop breeding . 

Strange Christmas ask

 I will not be asking  for genetic testing . 

Becoming mainstream

 I do have some concerns with genetic testing becoming mainstream . 

Flu genetic success

 I can't see much coming of it . 

Strange headline

 In covering genetics you do sometimes get strange ones like this . 

Genetic inspiration

 He  is  a good  man . 

Facial development genetics

 Does this impact how pretty women are ? 

Unexpected ways

 This is somewhat common in genetics . 

FDA genetic drug approval

 This is not really news but  rather what it does . 

Genetic codes

 There may have been more than one . 

Big topic

 Those are big genetic topics . 

Makes me hungry

 Some genetic articles  make me hungry. I am  a greedy person . 

Ancient genetic findings

 Many books will have to be rewritten . 

Genetic engineering potato's

 I love eating them . 

Fact from fiction

 There is a lo of fiction in genetics . 


YOu don't hear this in genetics . 

Left behinds

 I don't think I have covered  this in genetics before . 

Hidden genetics

 I am sure we are going to see more articles on this come out in t ime . 

Genetic complexity

 This is not surprising . 

African men cancer genetics

 Is this research racist ? 

Nice Christmas gesture

 Many with genetic diseases are ignored . 

Biobanks and genetic data

 I hope  it is not misused . 

Geneitic links

 Smoking may not have any . 

Big ask

 This could be a big genetic ask . 

Hzelnut genetics

 I was not aware it would reveal so much . 

Cardiac arrest athletics

 Genetic testing is key . 

Accidental genetics

 Anything is possible . 

Isolated community genetics

 This is not surprising . 

Genetics, depression and heart

 This is like Black Friday for genetics . 

Fertilaty treatment genetics

 Some of those woman are very p retty . 

FDA genetic warning letter

 I hope it takes real action . 

Misleading headline

 This is a complicated genetic issue . 

Top five genetics

 It is like a music chart . 

Male ancestry genetics

 There is so little I know in this are a. 

Genetic fingerprinting in Kuwait

It is not an open society so I can't see free debate on this . 

Benefits of genetic cloning

 This reminds me of poor D olly The Sheep . 

May again

 I do not like this word in genetics . 

Cold strawberry genetics

 I just love eating them . 

Period pain genetics

 I am not a woman so I can't c omment . 

Not so easy

 Even for many doctors genetics is a emerging field . 

South Asian diabetes genetics

 I live in a  area in Tower Hamlets full of South Asians . 

Genetic coaching

 This is a great article .

Fat cell genetics

 They never f orget . 

First the basics

 NHS can spend all the money they like on genetic treatments but first they need to get the basics right . 

Allergy genetics

 This is good news for Garfield . 

Sex determination

 This is n ot genetics for perverts . 

COVID children genetics

 It is usually elderly people . 

Genetic benefits

This is not a surprise after many years of covering genetics . 

Human interest story

 This is not a unique genetic story . 

AI insights

Future of genetics already here . 

Genetic time machine

 I am not getting into the laws of physics . 

Deaf prevention genetics

 God work Manchester . 

COVID origins

 The genetic question that will never be answered . 

Data risk

 all data is at risk and not just genetic . 

Sininster side of genetics

 It is a bit of a exaggeration . 

Deaf genetics test

 there is nothing for stupidity . 

Healthy cells and cancer genetics

 It is getting more and more complicated . 

Fitness and genetics

 I hate exercise . 

Bad dope

 Genetics has proven this . 

Bizarre headline

 What does this genetic headline mean ? 

catholic marriage genetics

 I am sure the Pope has a view . 

Important question

 Genetics is more about hype . 

Ancient and modern genetics

 You will have to read it to understand it . 

Growing corn

 This is  important genetic research as corn is a staple food product . 

Long wait

 It is over now due to genetics . 


 It has a number of elite universities but I have not written much about on genetics .

ADHD severity

 New genetic findings . 

Genetic testing challenges

 RTE is reporting on families having difficulty accessing it . 

Value of genetic data

 It is worth a lot . 

Genetic data concerns

 A lot of people are worried  I would think . 

Good genetics

 I see nothing wrong in this . 

Sugary genetics

 This is terrible I love sugary stuff . 

Bold genetic clam

 I am always cynical . 

Genetic discrimination

 I thought it was already h ere . 

Rye mystery

 I know nothing about rye genetics . 

Possible genetics

 Anything is possible . 

Scottish bran aging genetics

 The SNP will have something to say . 

Contrasting shark genetics

 I had no idea there was more than one kind of great white . 

Genetic mystery solved

 There will be plenty more . 

No mention of genetics

 Surely it is key ? 

Ghost shark genetics

 What will they come up with next ? 

genetic myths debunked

 There are plenty more which need to be debunked . 

Breeding animals

 In my view genetic testing is vital . 

Australian finches

 I know nothing about them or heir generics . 

Genetic suspects

 This  is like CSI .

Growing role

 Is genetic testing always the right thing ? 

AI bias

 Will it work in genetics ? 

Methane genetics

 I love eating cows . 

Genetic fraud conviction

 How widespread is this ? 

New form of doping

 It happens to be genetic . 

Genetic walk

 It would tire me . 

Genetic profiling

 Is this racist ? 

Stanford AI

 As I have said the future of genetics is AI . 

Genetic payment agreement

 I am shocked it happened. We need to look at the detai l. 


 From what I have heard this genetic idea will fail . 

Mental Health Blog

 Many dealing with genetics will hopefully find this useful . 

Genetic detectives

 Is that a new show from Dick Wolf ? 

Early cow genetics

 I am more interested in eating them . 

Sexual trauma genetics

 I will refrain from any comments . 

Nothing new

 Genetic hope is an old story . 

TNBC genetics

 I have never heard f  of it . 

West African kidney

 New genetic finding s. 

Illegal seeds

 This is something I have never covered in genetics before . 

Waiting for Spain

 I am sure t hey will have a comment on Gibraltar genetics . 

Emotional genetics

 He is a  decent man I like him . 

Cancer genetic map

 I thought we already had one ? 

Genetic publishing

 Not sure how important this is . 

Genetic prevention

 Will it work ? 

Genetic courses

 Are they any good ? 

Sticking point

 The problem of mixing politics with genetics . 

Roses genetics

 I never liked them . 

Unlocking brain genetics

 What will it turn up ? 

Sarah Parish genetics

 It is  a tragic story . 

Genetic information deal

 This could be big . 

Sensitive genetics

 This is all politica l. 

Genetic confusion

 We need to explore this more . 

Brain genetics

 It can't explain why some are stupid . 

Baffled genetics

We will get more of this in future .  

exciting times

 Herard this all before in genetics . 

Good advice

 There is huge profits to be made in genetic testing . 

Uncertain future

 This could be bad for your genetic d ata . 

Cough genetics

 They are no big deal . 

Trump and Nazi genetics

 This  is far fetched . 

Gender genetics

This will get the woke excited . 

Youth genetics

 I am too old for this . 

Saved by genetic testing

 I am sure some had heirs destroyed . 

Long-COVID genetics

 No one cares anymore . 

Genetic prevention

 How effective will this be ? 


 According ot this article genetic testing is key . 

Genetics and profits

 I would not trust those companies and anyone who does is a fool . 

Genetic warning

 Will parents take it ? 

Diabetes risk

I would take the genetic chance . 


 Important at article which covers genetics as well as environmenta l. 

Anne Bang genetics

 I have never head of that name . 

Little knowledge

 I have very little knowledge of this area of genetics . 

Who cares

 Harry has the worst genetic traits of the family . 


 Genetic tests are not free . 

Seed genetics

 This is an important thing . 

Silent genetics

 She will get used to it . 

Genetic hope costs

 It will be interesting to see the price of the drug . 

Free genetic testing

 There is always a catch . 

Genetic legacy

 We have to rewrite the history of humanity . 

Trump genetics

 He likes to talk about everything . 

Tiny genetics

 Size can be misleading . 

Genetic hope

 The FDA has offered some . 

Pioneering genetics

 NHS still failing . 

Genetic matters

 The article explains it all . 

Japanese genetics

 In many ways they are unique people . 

Bold claims

 There are many kinds of genetic epilepsy . 

Big genetic task

 This will not be easy . 

Residence genetics

I am running out of catchy headlines . 

Remote genetics

 There  is a lack of genetic diversity . 

Genetic but

 There is always  a catch with the NHS . 

Genetic first

 NHS is still failing the people . 

Isolated genetics

 This is not really news . 

Genetic decline

 I thought it was things like obesity . 

Pet genetics

 Bold business move . 

Not dead

 It is amazing what genetic engineering can do now . 

Bipolar and epilepsy

 They do have some genetic connection . 

Genetic envy

 I am sure even they have som e problems . 

Red foxes

 They need our genetic help . 

Genetic eye disease

 What will this study find ? 

Hidden genetics

 This happens all the time . 

Heart health

I am tempted to take the genetic risk . 

Another tragic story

 I am covering a lot of them now . 

Wildlife monitoring

 This is a  good example of genetics . 

Future of genetics

 It seems to be AI . 

Dangerous genetics

 This is only the start of it . 

Worth it?

 That is a key question in genetics . 

Saving money

 This makes a change as I usually cover  costing money . 

New insights

 They are becoming very common in genetics . 

Beef genetics

 I love eating cows . 

High genetic price

 Who can afford it ? 

Genetic success

 Huge money to be made . 


 Genetic diseases are not good . 

Seven years

 At least this genetic trait stops . 

Rewriting human history

 I have been discussing this for many years on this blog . 

Big number

 I am not sure if I have covered such a big number in genetics before . 

Blaming genetics

 Sometimes it is bad parenting . 

Fussy eating

It seems to be genetic . 

COVID origins

 This genetic research will go nowhere . 


 As they have also  discovered the treatment for this genetic disease at the same time . 

CF genetics

 I don't kow much about it  


 Surprising genetic findings . 

India genetic testing market

 I know nothing about the Indian market . 

Immigration genetics

 Nigel Farage maybe interested . 

AI genetic cure

 This sounds more like  hype . 

Personality genetics

 I know someone really moody . 

Genetic promise

We get so many of them all the time .  

Inbreeding history

 I thought this was common in genetics . 

Stem cells

 Significant impact on mental  health  genetics potentially . 

Genetic run

 I wish them all the luck in  the world . 

Genetic expansion

 I am sure this will happen again . 

Decoding mental health genetics

 This is not going to be easy . 

How romantic

 In genetics romance is dead . 

The great debate

 I was not aware this was a great debate in genetics . 

Easter Island ecocide

In many years of covering genetics I was not aware of  this . 

Genetic overlap

 I am not sure if I should be surprised by this or not . 

Genetic refund

 This is good news for customers . 

Genetic jab

 We have too many jabs a lready . 

Bone fracture

 Not sure how significant this is for people wiht rare genetic diseases . 

Genetics of disease

 Such a basic  question which   needs answering . 

Success genetics

 I suspect  it is a bit of both . 

Genetic truth

 I can see this stirring up debate . 

Offsetting genetics

 This is very important . 

Shared genetic bond

 Not the kind you want though . 

Tobacco and gut

Interesting genetic findings . 

Justice catches up

 Thanks to genetics . 

Could be genetic

 Or a whole host of other things . 

Genetic AI deal

 I would  be very careful  with a  scandal ridden company like this . 

Justice delayed

 Due to genetics maybe not denied . 

What a headline

 This headline makes no sense and could put people off reading a important genetic  story . 

No cure yet

 There is no genetic cure yet . 

Genetic mouthful

 I had to read this more than once . 

Genetic course

 I hope the cost is r easonable . 

Mistakes and master control

 Sometimes genetics is beyond me . 

TB genetics

 I did it without  the genetics for GCSE d rama . 

Grizzly bear genetics

 When the site is working you can read it . 

Shetland genetic risk

 I am not going to make any comment about this . 

Development genetics

 This is more complicated than it sounds . 

Double genetic luck

 Hearts are not easy to come by . 

Influencer genetics

 This is sad and tragic . 

Autism spotting

 This is major in  the world of autism genetics . 

Silent mutations

 New concept to me in many years of covering genetics . 

New genetic data

 This seems quite high . 

Long genetic road

 This is only the start of it . 

Big claim

 I will wait to see the latest editions of genetic textbooks . 

Ai tool

 I have asked one or two questions and it seems to be much better than Google . 

Genetic help

 Good to hear this . 

Genetic sensor

 Not like the ones for things like  lights and fans . 

Buffalo Bills genetics

 I  know nothing about this sports team . 

Genetics and marriage

Not sure what to say as I am not into romance . 

Advances in sequencing

 Leading to  more genetic discoveries . 

Reducing dementia

 Genetics is no barrier . 

Important discovery

 In the world of genetics this is important  because where it was discovered as it was not in the w est .  . 

Expecting genetics

 This is a key concern for many couples . 

sweet genetics

 I would love to see them  make sweet stuff healthy . 

Best drug genetics

 I hope it is not the most expensive ones . 

Pain genetics

 It is not as it seems . 

Creche genetics

 Good on them . 

Long time

 Genetic research is usually done very quickly . 

Ancestry and genetics

 Interesting article on breast  cancer . 

COPD genetics

 Not sure when I covered this last . 

Genetic hearing loss breakthrough

 There are no  breakthroughs for selective hearing loss . 

Decoding genetic disease

 Not sure I fully understand this . 

Intelligence and mental health genetics

 It is not easy been intelligent . 

Expanded testing

 This seems like a good genetic idea . 

Sport and genetics

 This is a very bad headline . 


 This is a disgusting form of genetics  which should not be allowed . 

Genetic diversity concerns

 Interesting new findings . 

Genetic link confirmed

 This is only the first step .

Could and genetics

 They are two words that should not be put together . 

Boys and autism

 We  have genetic clues . 

Australian genetic disease

 Interesting  article from ABC in Australia . 

Common but diverse genetics

 It is not easy for me to come  up with headlines  this this . 

Genetic answer

 To be honest I have no idea . 

Tin genetics

 You will have to read it to understand it . 

Genetic journey

 This is a good cause . 

Happy genetics

 This is what I like to hear . 

AI and organ systems

This seems to be major genetic findings . 

Hollywood genetics explained

 This is a interesting article . 

Strawberry genetics

 i hope this  can lead to  cheaper strawberries as they are not  cheap now . 

Boxing gender row

 If it was so simple genetics would have already sorted this out . 

Strange cat genetics

 I have never heard  of this before . 

Not sexy

 It is nevertheless very important genetic research . 

Genetic population boost

 The state is empty and needs more residents . 

Hollywood genetics

 This is deeply personal and touching . 

Blood disorders

 I have covered many other topics  in blood and genetics besides medicine . 

Idaho wolf genetics

 I was not aware this was a problem in Idaho . 

Severe epilepsy genetics

 This article has too many long words . 

Genetic disclination

 This nurse should sue them to the hilt . 

Too risky

 I don't want to know all the genetic issues I have . 

Detailed genetic map

 I can't read maps . 

IVF genetic testing

 It is  important according   to this article . 

Adoption genetics

 I hope they are ready for any surprises they find . 

Genetic cause uncovered

 This is no longer unique now . 

Genetic rejection

Not sure how important this is . 

"Deadbeat dad" genetics

 Will not be as  easy as this in humans . 

AI genetics

 The future is here . 

Interesting genetic answer

 I have never thought about this to be honest . 

Cotton and climate

 Cotton genetics is actually very important . 

Deep genetic quesiton

 I doubt we will ever know the answer . 

Florida genetics

 It is known more for politics . 

More common

 The genetic estimates were wrong . 

No harm

 I can't see the harm in genetic testing . 

Genetic data compromise

 This is a  hot topic issue . 

Blind dog genetics

 Can't do anything for their stupid o wners . 

Puberty and weight

 I can't see the point of this genetic research . 

Autism sex bias

 Interesting genetic findings . 

Beauty genetics

 There is more to her than meets the eye . 

Mother killer genetics

 It is a dramatic headline . 

Many more

 This is low compared to some of the genetic   numbers I have posted about . 

Major genetic discovery

 The word in this article is could . 

DOJ genetics

 It is good that we are having thos e discussions . 

Squirrel genetics

 White ones are rare and   people  ae lucky to see t hem . 

Psychology and genetics

 Nothing is sacred . 

Pioneering genetic technique

 What impact will this have ? 

Way more

 There are many more genetic diseases which are not listed . 

Facial genetics

 The word in this article is could . 

Racial health genetics

Donald Trump will be upset . 

Lack of movment

 This is a terrible genetic thing . 

Genetic gap

 This is not good . 

Long term genetics

 This is what I iwll call it . 

Jewish genetics law

 Articles like this make the case for atheism . 

Veteran genetics

 There is a large pool of them in the United States . 

Nothing new

 We did not need genetics to tell us this . 

Mulberry genetics

 I only know about  the school in Tower Hamlets . 

Cheap genetics

 I would still not buy it . 

Personal genetics

I have been covering this for sometime . 

Terrible genetics

 There are  many who suffer  like she has . 

Unique ants

They are unusual when it comes to asexual reproduction . 

Ulster heart genetics

 This story is from Northern Ireland . 

Pain genetics

 I have  normal pain which is part of getting older . 

Genetic pain

 Those stories break my heart . 

Nasty genetics

 This is awful . 

Old important genetics

 This is what I will call it . 

Genetic price tag

 This is mroe complicated than it sounds . 

Coffee drinking genetics

 Nothing will make me drink coffee . 

Rich genetics

 I am not a class warrior . 

Gaza genetics

 She is lucky whilst many are still suffering in Gaza . 

Pop star genetics

 This is very sad . 

Hearing restored

Some in the deaf community will not like this genetic  research as they  feel the  way they are  is fine . 

Large number

 This is what we are dealing with now in genetics large numbers hen it comes to genetics . 

Genetic openness

 It is brave of them . 

Tempus AI

 I know nothing abut this genetic testing firm . 

Genetic risk and death

 This is the kind of thing we need more  research on . 

Rugby genetics

 This is a good thing . 

Genetic diet

 I am not sure what to make of it . 

Ancient genetic findings

New exciting area of  history which is still developing . 

Awful headline

 No one will read this story . 

Genetic key

This  is only the start . 

Limited genetics

This will only impact certain people .  

Genetic victory

 I will not read the book . 

Expensive genetic treatment

 I hope that people support them . 

Wrongly classified

WE will get more of this . 

Overcoming genetics

It is possible . 

Britney genetics

She can now decide on her own . 

Poor boy

 Genetics can b e cruel . 

Genetic improvements

 This is good news for children . 

Genetics trail

 This will take many years . 

Fox genetics

I hate urban ones . 

Premature puberty

 This  is concerning genetic findings . 

Bad idea

I would not take those genetic tests . 

Blue eyes genetics

 I can't see as I am blind . 

Fat genetics

 I have discussed this many times . 

Fun genetics

 We  never had this in our school .

Wine genetics

 I was not thinking of genetics and wine but ethics and wine . 

Risk genetics

 I am not going to pretend I understand this . 

Safeguarding crops

 This is excellent genetic news . 


 This is the kind of genetic research that  will benefit many . 

Bacteria genetics

 This is actually a very interesting topic . 

Gene deserts

 I was not aware of this genetic concept . 

African diabetes

 Important genetic findings . 

Gender genetics

 This is good news . 

Terrible genetic addiction

 Coffee is disgusting and horrible. I personally like tea . 

Smell genetics

 This  is what I will call it . 

Sperm scandal

 This is a big genetic thing . 

Not really

 There are many other things besides genetics . 

Morin genetics again

 Nothing else to cover . 

Genetic excitement

She has a long wait . 

Morin genetic denials

 I am sure I have covered this kind of stuff in the past . 

Too much eating

 For some it maybe genetic but for most it is too much eating . 

Odd headlines

 sometimes genetics makes you want to laugh . 

Genetic delay

 The word in this article is could . 

Rachel Morin genetics

 This is now becoming very common . 

New genetic angle

I have not thought of   this . 

Unused genetics

 Interesting fact about wheat genetics . 

Genetic lottery winners

 I know many who have lost . 

Lots of questions

 This is the kind of interesting genetic thing I like to cover . 

Perch invasion genetics

 I have never heard of such a thing . 

Genetic desperation

 In many cases nothing can be done . 

Dad genetics

 I can't think of much . 

Genetic bodybuilder

 It is not a sport . 

Genetic battle

 This will be interesting to watch . 

Improved outcomes

 Genetics has a big part to play . 

Hidden genetics

 Not hidden anymore . 

Fitness genetics

 I love coming  up with catchy headlines . 

PTSD genetic sexism

 Many will be upset . 

Older women genetics

 It is more complicated . 

Canada genetic trip

 It is a long way to go . 

Fungal genetics

I know nothing about this . 

ICO investigation

 Good we need to reign in those genetic testing  companies . 

Genetic hack investigation

 This is old news as it happened sometime ago . 

Genetic protection

 NOt like birth protection . 

Leg genetics

 I have already covered this before . 

Genetic nightmare

 This is awful . 


 This is a terrible genetic idea . 

Fatal Irish genetics

 I don't know much about the genetics of Ireland . 

Cool car genetics

 Love this . 

Very rare genetics

This boy is unlucky . 

Elegant genetics

 I like coming up with clever headlines  

Scottish genetic roots

 The SNP will be upset . 

Hearing loss genetic treatment

 Some of the clowns in Tower Hamlets need to stop palying the verses of the Koran very loudly . 

Restless legs genetics

 Not sure if I have it . 

sleep genetics

This article says may .  

Childhood lupus

Genetics is key .  

Weed genetics

 The idea makes me sick . 

Interesting article

I like personal genetic stories . 

Woke genetics

This is what I will call  it . 

Genetic expectations

 They are not absolute . 

Spit test again

 I need new genetic stories .  

Better genetic testing

 It is also less painful . 

Genetic record

 I was not aware this one existed . 

No genetic jokes

 It would not be sensitive and it would be nasty . 

Ohio genetics

 Not sure what this is about . 

Diabetes and gut health

 There is a genetic link . 

Genetics and hair loss

 I have lost so much hair . 

Genetic twin

 This is new to me .

Wrong genetics

 This is a simple a nd easy headline . 

cat coats genetics

 For some reason there is a lot of articles about  this . 

Genetic shares tumbling

 The stock market is more like a casino  now . 

Genetic support

 This is the kind of thing I approve of . 

WIPO genetic treaty

 This seems to be an important thing . 

Cat color genetics

 I know nothing about cat color genetics even though we have one . 

Genetic cause

 This is only the start .

Finland genetics

 I can't comment as I know nothing about this . 

Good genetics

 I have been told I  have a big one . 

UN genetics

 This seems like a good thing . 

Good sleep

 It does have some genetic benefits. I am  very poor sleeper . 

Lupus genetic causes

 Should be interesting what they find . 

COVID vaccine genetics

 I don't give a  stuffing about COVID  and genetics anymore . 

Cleveland Clinic study

 Interesting genetic study. Here is a fun fact they have opened a  new London major private hospital . 

Genetic luck

She was very lucky to get this .  

Lingering ethcis

 Some in genetics  would rather forget them . 

Apple genetics

 There are so many kinds of apple . 

Weight loss drugs genetics

 I just think people should eat less . 

Severe obesity genetics

 I would like people to send me links like this as they are not easy to find . 

Genetic recycling

 I have covered this story sometime ago . 

Isreal genetic connection

 This is not new as I remember reading something similar to this ages ago . 

ALS genetic treatment

 The word is could .

Gaza genetics

 This is a sad and tragic story . 

Bride genetics

 This is very sad . 

South African leopards

 I think this is good news . 

Insurance and genetic trust

 This  is a complicated area  of genetics . 

An old debate in genetics

 This is a very old debase in genetics . 

Race and breast cancer genetics

 Everything is about race and  genetics . 

Another genetic promise

 We have so many of them . 

Genetic connection

 This is becoming  more and more common . 

New viruses

 I would be careful with this genetic analysis . 

Genetic testing growth

 I have not covered this in so metime . 

Black genetic burden

 I am  running out of catchy headlines . 

Genetic right

 In my view insurance companies have a right as they need to mange risk . 

Blood pressure

 For people I know it is stress rather than genetics . 

Genetics and human biology

 I don't know what else to say . 

Tasty genetics

 I prefer eating them . 

Genetic advocacy

 This is very helpful .. 

Genetic roots

We will see what impact this has . 

Hard data

 Important to put genetics in context . 

Fishing genetics

 Don't fish too early it seems is the  message . 

Sexist genetics

 This is not r ight . 

Genetic case

No lawyers involved . 

Genetic guarantee

 This is not a nice thing . 

Genetic claim

 Look at  the key word claim . 

Non binary butterflies

 This is not covered in the genetic research . 

Genetic dog warning

 Wise words from  the vet . 

Aging genetic protection

 Though  some older  woman like Nina Hossain of ITV News can look  hot . 

Beyond genetics

 There is more to  life than genetics . 

Very expensive genetics

 This is the future of medical t reatment .

Sex genetics

 They maybe non binary . 

Lifestyle and genetics

 Life is not easy . 

Genetic closure

This is the kind of good news I lie reporting .  

Developing story

 Genetics  never stands still . 


 This genetic disorder  cold h ave been underreported . 

Rare whale genetics

 I don't know enough to make a joke . 

Blind family genetics

 I am not going to make any jokes . 

Blood pressure

 I am sure that a  lot of it is non genetic . 

Movement disorder genetics

 Not sure how significant this is . 

Alert Mel Stride

 I am sure he would be interested in  genetics of depression . 

Stronger genetics

 Some have all the luck . 

Genetic age

 I consider this to be nonsense . 

Good genetic question

 I am not sure of the answer . 

Future promise

 This is what increasingly genetics is about . 

Concerning genetic finding

 Interesting article about traces of bird flu in  milk genetics . 

Dubai genetics film

 I am waiting for the one on slavery .