
Showing posts from May, 2023

Baldness genetics

 I have lost a lot of my hair . 

Genetic first

 I would have thought they would have done this by now . 

Young hearts

 Will many take this genetic test ? 

Not just electricity

 South Africa is lacking in genetics as well . 

Young women

 You would not associate heart attack genetics with them . 

Genetic bet

 There is a lot of money involved in this kind of stuff . 


 I quesiton many genetic promises but not this one . 

Village genetics

 There is more to this story . 

Cold case genetics

 This time it is Canada . 

Genetic programming group

 I know nothing about genetic programming. I will not be joining the group . 

Cold case genetics

 Another cold case solved using genetics . 

Genetic closure

 For his family and the people who knew him . 

Genetic worry

 Many people have the same worry . 

Morgan Wade genetics

 I sometimes listen to country but I have never heard of her . 

More details

 More people with this genetic mutation die early . 

Painelss genetics

 It can have many negative effects . 

Cooking genetics

 What else can I call it ? 

Scottish genetic links

 Many English will have this . 

Genetic offloading

 I was not aware this was a t hing . 

Premature aging and PTSD

 They are genetically linked . 

Genetic prevention

 There is nothing else to say . 

Pict warriors

 I have covered their genetics before . 


 This should be enough to access genetic t esting . 

Genetic toy story

 You will have to read it to understand it . 

Drug genetics

 No mention of low IQ . 

Stroke genetic testing

 How many types of stroke are there ? 

Pict warriors

 I know nothing about them or their genetics . 

Background genetics

 This has been overlooked by many.  

Genetic hope

 I will wait to see it . 

Head growth genetics

 I have never heard of this . 

Dementia linked

 Interesting genetic research . 

Poor Biden

 This genetic research will really upset him and his Irishness . 

Alzheimer's genetics

 It is more complicated than it appears . 

Newfoundland genetics

 It was not originally a part of Canada . 

Dementia genetics again

 In the last post I meant to say most not everyone . 

Dementia genetic secrets

 Everyone will get it sooner or later . 

DIY genetics

 I was not aware of this . 

Baby genetic help

This baby needs our help . 

Body weight genetics

 Somehting for woman to get excited about . 

Bantu genetics

 What do they think about coming from Congo ? 

Another genetic program

 How many have been launched recently ? 

Bold genetic statement

 Can they back this up ? 

New genetic database

 I don't feel very excited . 

Parented genetics

 I wonder how many birth parents were losers ? 

Nose shape genetics

 This could be a historic t hing . 

Epilepsy group

 Hopefully it has some genetic information . 

Dementia risk

 I know many people who need those genetic t ests . 

World genetics day

 We could do with one . 

Genetic tragedy

 Despite all the money his father has . 

Modern and ancient

This time it is wine genetics . 

Genetic share price

 No idea what will happen next . 

Treatment failure genetics

 It is only a prediction . 

Genetic nightmare

 Not sure what I would do . 

Charity genetics

 Hopefully this works . 

Universal genetic testing

 What about the costs associated with it ? 

AMD genetics

 Good work Australian researchers . 

Inuit genetics

 I know nothing about Inuit genetics . 

Genetic evidence

 I prefer London over Bristol . 

Blood sample genetics

 Is this a new thing ? 

Difficult choice

 Many others will face this in genetics . 

Genetic blessing or curse

 It could I suppose be either . 

Hearing loss

 It is more common than this genetic disorder .