
Showing posts from October, 2022

Asthma genetic funding

 I know very little about asthma . 

Lifestyle and genetics

 Genetics is not the whole answer . 

Bumping genetics

 The key word in this article is could . 

Another genetic promise

 The word in this article is could . 

Genetic traits

 They now have a top 10 . 

Hangover genetics

 Will there be a genetic cure ? 

Genetic hindrance

 It is having a impact on autism research . 

Sensitive genetics

 This appears to be good news . 

Nurses and genetic testing

 Everyone in health should be doing genetic testing . 

Genetic rubbish

 I don't go in for this kind of nonsense , 

Tail genetics

 I never knew lizards were so interesting . 

Business news

 I cover this a lot in genetics . 

Black death link

 Good to see the application of science and history in genetics . 

A bit late

 This is like genetics before the internet . 

Singing genetics

 This is what I will call it . 

Genetic victory

 Well done to her and her medical team . 

Cholesterol genetics

 I have covered this story once before . 

Genetic mistake

 How often does this happen > 

COVID genetic engineering

 There is so much we don't know about the creation of COVID .

Virtual genetics

 No idea what this is . 

High cholesterol

Some interesting genetic findings . 

Genetic tour

 This time it is Queens . 

Dyslexia genetics

 There are so many bad and tasteless jokes I could make . 

Cave genetics

 I wonder what Captain Caveman would think ? 

Black death genetics

 It is not consigned to history . 

Irish genetics

 So long as they don't support the IRA . 

Risky genetics

 Sometimes the risk is worth it . 

Genetic first baby

 There will be many o thers . 

Genetic predication

 There are many dangers to this . 

Confusing headline

 Until you learn it is about a genetics book deal . 

Yes we are

 We need genetic modification to feed the world . 

Basics again

 I like covering basic stuff in genetics . 

Useful background

 Useful background on the genetic test rollout in England . 

Genetic interview

 How many will watch this ? 

Height genetics again

 Please send me other genetic related stories . 

Height genetics again

 This time it is the Belfast Telegraph . 

More information

 This is a major genetics s tory . 

Genetic revolution

 I would not go that far as there are bound to be many key genetic developments . 

Height genetics

 Some people are tall and some are short . 

NHS genetic first

 This will save many babies . 

Not an easy issue

 This is a complicated area in genetics and everything . 

Zinc genetics

 You learn something new everyday . 

Vocal tract genetics

 To be far I have not given it much thought . 

Managing risk

 That is another benefit of genetic testing . 

Lafora videos

 This is good information on this genetic disease . 

Unlocking genetics

 This shows like a TV detective series . 

Genetic tour

 This is what I am doing with cold case stories it seems . 

Not so easy

 When it comes to children and ge netics . 

Brain disorder genetics

 There are so many kinds of brain disorders . 

Political genetics

 I don't agree with everything I p ost . 

Key to autism

 How much is genetic ? 

Cold case genetics

 This time it is a Californian woman . 

Global genetic trends

 As I have said before genetics is big business . 

Comon genetics

 I don't tend to cover common genetics often . 

Genetic nurse

 This is a bit d rastic . 

Surprise genetics

 You don't always get what you e xpect . 

Not just genetic

 This time it is liver disease . 

Silk genetics

I know nothing about silk . 

Joint genetics

 I will probably need this as I get older . 

Temper genetics

 This is more of a sports story . 

Longevity genetics

 The question is how long do people want to live ? 

Genetic regulation

 Nothing to do with actual regulation .