
Showing posts from March, 2022


 Genetic headlines shuld be simple. This is confusing . 

Genetic testing primer

 I don't know what a primer is . 

Simple genetic test

 Still can't prevent staff from killing new-born babies . 

Only one problem

 Genetics will not solve staff killing patient s. 

China and genetics

 They love creating genetic d iseases . 

Miscarriage genetics

 Not justice but pregnancy . 

Revisiting asthma

 I have not covered asthma genetics in ages . 

Punjab genetics

 It's good to cover global genetics . 

Genetics network

I came across this by a ccident . 

Genetic market again

Do those reports ever show any slowdown ? 

Fear genetics

 I fear a lot of things . 

Genetic mystery

 Life is one big mystery after all . 

No to genetic apps

 They are not worth and life is about risk . 

Colon cancer risk

 everything is genetic now . 

Good genetic decision

 This will save Australia a lot of money in the long run . 

Major Tesco contract

 Company is called Everything Genetics . 

Genetic challenge

 Is it wrong for me to want the sharks to eat him ? 

Still happy

 Genetics doesn't have to define your life . 

Genetic cause

 There is a lot we still don't know . 

Cold case genetics again

 Only arrested not gone to jail . 

Alarming news

 Do we have the right regulations for this area of genetic testing ? 

Royal worker genetics

 You will have to read it to understand it . 

Singapore genetic testing

 I am not sure now often I have covered Singapore in this blog . 

Genetic response

 I have no idea who she is . 

Genetic fair

 Seems like a good idea from India . 

Common genetic link

 Genetic news is becoming very common . 

Dog aging genetics

 I don't really care about dogs . 

Genetic backlash

 This is a form of bullying . 

Hidden genetics

 I have not covered this for a long time . 

Cancer image genetics

 I could not be bothered to read this article . 

Bloody genetic app

 As I have said I will never use this app . 

Leadership genetics

 Will Tuckley and the rest of the clowns in Tower Hamlets lack that . 

Genetic lawsuit

 Hasn't this charity got anything else beter to do ? 

African kidney genetics

 Race and genetics is becoming boring . 

Genetic app

 I don't want this genetic app . 

Downs and rats

 No offence meant but I love this genetic headline I came up with . 

Nosebleed genetics

 After a lifetime she finally finds out . 

Genetic acceptance

 We need more people to do that . 

qatar genetics

 Trying to move away from energy . 

Genetic leap

 Who writes those headlines ? 

Big genetic deal

 I have not covered business genetics for sometime . 

Deadly dog genetics

 Vets can make money selling tests . 

Deadly dog genetics

 Vets will make a fortune from this along with breeders . 

Coral genetics

 Those pictures are kind of ugly . 

Cold genetics

 I am bored with this . 

New partner

 This genetic test was a test of their relationship . 


 For this kind of genetic stuff you should see a health professional . 

Pointless genetic research

 COVID is just a little cold . 

COVID genetics again

 No one cares as SAGE have been stood down . 

Big fan

 i love the use of genetics in history . 

Jewish genetic costs

 I am not going to make a Hitler joke . 

Not bothered

 We get so much genetic rubbish like this . 

Single test genetics

 I have covered this story a few times now . 

Beyond genetics

 This is good news from Plymouth . 

Simple test

 Some good genetic news . 

Genetic baggage

 I can't think of anything to say . 

Blood group and COVID

 No one is interested in COVID genetics anymore it seems . 

Not random

 We have assumed it was random in genetics for many years ? 

Genetic hope

 This is a strange article . 

Genetic databases

 I have been covering this story for s ometime . 

Seed oil quality

 This is very important genetic research . 

Quality genetics

 Important in things like food .