
Showing posts from 2022

Genetic links

 Hard to keep track of all of them . 


 Some people may want genetic engineering . 

Parental cancer genetics

 What happens if your daddy is not your daddy ? 

Genetic good news

 On dolphins anyway . 

Bad actor genetics

 I don't think I have seen her in anything . 

Good reviews

 I would love to see this genetic opera on Sky Arts . 

Preventing miscarriages

 I am sure this is a very expensive genetic treatment .

Still growing

 I have concerns about this area of genetics . 

Genetic compliance

 Making it easier to access the tests helps . 

Drunk genetics

 No excuse as you could have decided not to drink . 

Community genetics

 We need more of this . 

Star Trek genetic ban

I did watch some Star Trek but not many . 

IEA genetics report

 You have to understand their politics to understand the report . 

Genetic number

 I love it when they give a number . 

Good business decision

 Are there many like me covering genetics and business ?

Story clarified

 This is what we need in genetic journalism . 

FDA approval

 Good news for investors in this genetic drug . 

Odd genetic link

 i am not a genetics expert and it seems odd to me . 

Genetic material tax

 Thee are many questions and I am will reserve judgment . 

Gene therapy could

 I would like to see the word changed from could to can . 

Mummy genetics

 This is a genetic first . 

Genetic delay

 This is not a good sign . 

Subjective genetics

 Some people may not think the pearls are beautiful . 

Fat genetics

 Before anyone starts I consider myself to be fat . 

Risk genetics money

 There is plenty of money to be made in risk and genetics . 

Dog genetic map

 As I have stated before I can't read maps . 

Lifestyle and genetics

 how much has lifestyle got to do with genetics ? 

Genetic cost

 We now know how much it is going to cost . 

Genetic crime

 It is more common than people think . 

Genetic thanks

 Whatever happened to the card ? 

Old genetic link

 I have already covered this days or weeks ago . 

New-born genetics

 I am hoping for other stories . 

Baby hearing genetics

 I was not sure that was possible . 

Cradle to grave

 You can't avoid genetic testing like death and taxes now . 

Nothing new

 I have covered this area of genetics extensively . 

Changing lives

 For many genetic research has not . 

That many

 That is a lot of babies to genetic test . 

New-born genetics

 After covering genetics for many years I support this . 

Genetic pairs

 You have to read the article to understand it . 

Letter genetics

 Poor people in history could not read or write . 

Breed and you

 How much genetics is there ? 

Not a genetic hype

 I keep on going on and on about genetic hype. This is no genetic hype . 

Good genetic technique

 This should be widely used . 

I feel old

 Not sure what it says about my genetics . 

Interesting genetic link

 I don't personally see the connection . 

Too much worry

 Not in favour of those genetic t ests . 

AI and autism genetics

 As I have said before AI will be important in genetics . 

Expensive genetics

 How can people afford this with the current ratge of tax on tobacco and alcohol ? 

Smoking and alcohol

 Seems to have very complicated genetics . 

No way

 I don't want to know my genetic risks . 

Genetics and morals

 I prefer the word ethics . 


 Nothing to do with genetics . 

Expensive genetics

 How is anyone going to afford those cures ? 

Ancient Irish genetics

 I can't think of any jokes right now . 

India genetic threat

 I came across this and would like more details . 

Childhood eye genetics

 Scientists should be sorting out Streep A which their lockdowns have caused to go up . 

Super survivor genetics

If cancer doesn't get them than post lockdown healthcare will . 

Promising genetics

 I have heard this all before . 

Entertainment genetics update

 There is no mention of the nurses in this article. She must be keeping all the money. I am only joking . 

Genetic entertainment

 She and her nurses could make a lot of money . 

Childhood epilepsy

 So much we don't know about epilepsy genetics and children . 

Genetic engineering trees

 I prefer planting them using Ecosia . 

Ancient Jewish genetics

 What would Hitler have to say about this ? 

Genetic battlefield

 The vast majority of couples don't see it that way . 

Genetic fate

 I would rather not know mine let alone change it . 

Insurance issues

 Is this whispered in relation to genetic testing ? 

Smart genetics

 Not all humans are smart . 

Similar brain genetics

 I would have never though about this with humans and octopuses . 

Migraine genetics

 A friend of mine had it and sometimes she suffered greatly . 

Modi genetics

 I am not entirely a supporter of his . 

Medical expansion

 I love covering genetic good news . 

More genetic testing

 There is a lot of money to be made . 

Family genetics

 Does it ever change ? 

Genetic help needed

 This is disgraceful . 

Hollywood genetics again

 Like COVID there are far too many stories . 

Genetic strength

 There is now no point in COVID genetic research as no one cares . 

Not me

 I don't want to know my genetic risk . 

Genetic market future

 I don't know enough to invest . 

Genetic connection

 Have I missed something ? 

CRISPR genetics

To be hones I don't understand CRISPR . 

COVID protection

 The public don't care about COVID genetics anymore . 

Autism again

 Good to see important work on autism genetics . 

Hollywood genetics again

 It feels like there are  no other stories in g enetics . 

Brady genetics

 This is decent of him . 

Focusing on health

 How much difference can it make on a genetic disease like Alzheimer's ? 

Hollywood genetics

 I do have to think of some catchy headlines . 

Not many

 In other genetic cases it is a lot more . 

Genetic fears

 Many people have them . 

Bad genetics

 This is what Galton's theory is . 

Sounds exciting

 They are trying to make corn genetics exciting and s exy . 

British otters

 Scientists are concerned about their genetic health. I blame the foreign otters . 

Brain tissue and epilepsy genetics

 Rare genetic epilepsy is very close to me and this is the reason why I set this up in the first place . 

ME genetics again

 I have already covered this . 

Genetic blame

 Waiting to hear what the lawyer for genetics has to say . 

Before birth treatment

 We will see more and more of this with genetics . 

Genetic cause

 It cannot be ruled out . 

ME genetic answer

 The word in this article is could . 

Genetic mousetrap

 Should be used on all . 

Mouse population

 Genetic engineering should be used to kill them all . 

Pompe disease

 This is genetic and not ancient history . 

God and genetics

 I would not try and mix the two . 

Another genetic case solved

 The headline is very confusing . 

Novel genetics

 I love how they use words like this . 

Not genetic solution

 Take a look at what you eat instead . 

Autism behaviour genetics

 It is a very diverse field . 

Liverpool genetics

 This is actually a very important article . 

Slim genetics

 They should not try and eat so much . 

Predicative genetics

 I am not sure if this is good or bad . 

Invisible genetics

 You have to read the story to understand the headline I have written . 

Genetic tribute

 Good article from ITV News . 

Genetic differences

 I have covered this long enough to know this . 

Genetic first

 There will be many others . 

Good COVID genetic news

 The word in this article is may . 

Genetic language

 There is a new one on the block . 

Stuttering genetics

 I haven't stuttered in ages . 

AI help

 AI will benefit genetic research g reatly . 

Genetic risk

 I cover this a lot now . 

Better genetic access

 The NHS in Northern Ireland has gone downhill . 

ADHD and autism

 New genetic insights . 

Genetic linkup

 This is a confusing headline . 

Autism genetics again

 I have not covered this in a while . 

Genetic pinpointing

 It is still early days . 

Asthma genetic funding

 I know very little about asthma . 

Lifestyle and genetics

 Genetics is not the whole answer . 

Bumping genetics

 The key word in this article is could . 

Another genetic promise

 The word in this article is could . 

Genetic traits

 They now have a top 10 . 

Hangover genetics

 Will there be a genetic cure ? 

Genetic hindrance

 It is having a impact on autism research . 

Sensitive genetics

 This appears to be good news . 

Nurses and genetic testing

 Everyone in health should be doing genetic testing . 

Genetic rubbish

 I don't go in for this kind of nonsense , 

Tail genetics

 I never knew lizards were so interesting . 

Business news

 I cover this a lot in genetics . 

Black death link

 Good to see the application of science and history in genetics . 

A bit late

 This is like genetics before the internet . 

Singing genetics

 This is what I will call it . 

Genetic victory

 Well done to her and her medical team . 

Cholesterol genetics

 I have covered this story once before . 

Genetic mistake

 How often does this happen > 

COVID genetic engineering

 There is so much we don't know about the creation of COVID .

Virtual genetics

 No idea what this is . 

High cholesterol

Some interesting genetic findings . 

Genetic tour

 This time it is Queens . 

Dyslexia genetics

 There are so many bad and tasteless jokes I could make . 

Cave genetics

 I wonder what Captain Caveman would think ? 

Black death genetics

 It is not consigned to history . 

Irish genetics

 So long as they don't support the IRA . 

Risky genetics

 Sometimes the risk is worth it . 

Genetic first baby

 There will be many o thers . 

Genetic predication

 There are many dangers to this . 

Confusing headline

 Until you learn it is about a genetics book deal . 

Yes we are

 We need genetic modification to feed the world . 

Basics again

 I like covering basic stuff in genetics . 

Useful background

 Useful background on the genetic test rollout in England . 

Genetic interview

 How many will watch this ? 

Height genetics again

 Please send me other genetic related stories . 

Height genetics again

 This time it is the Belfast Telegraph . 

More information

 This is a major genetics s tory . 

Genetic revolution

 I would not go that far as there are bound to be many key genetic developments . 

Height genetics

 Some people are tall and some are short . 

NHS genetic first

 This will save many babies . 

Not an easy issue

 This is a complicated area in genetics and everything . 

Zinc genetics

 You learn something new everyday . 

Vocal tract genetics

 To be far I have not given it much thought . 

Managing risk

 That is another benefit of genetic testing . 

Lafora videos

 This is good information on this genetic disease . 

Unlocking genetics

 This shows like a TV detective series . 

Genetic tour

 This is what I am doing with cold case stories it seems . 

Not so easy

 When it comes to children and ge netics . 

Brain disorder genetics

 There are so many kinds of brain disorders . 

Political genetics

 I don't agree with everything I p ost . 

Key to autism

 How much is genetic ? 

Cold case genetics

 This time it is a Californian woman . 

Global genetic trends

 As I have said before genetics is big business . 

Comon genetics

 I don't tend to cover common genetics often . 

Genetic nurse

 This is a bit d rastic . 

Surprise genetics

 You don't always get what you e xpect . 

Not just genetic

 This time it is liver disease . 

Silk genetics

I know nothing about silk . 

Joint genetics

 I will probably need this as I get older . 

Temper genetics

 This is more of a sports story . 

Longevity genetics

 The question is how long do people want to live ? 

Genetic regulation

 Nothing to do with actual regulation . 

Racist genetic test

 This will get Black Lives Matter excited . 

Raising genetic awareness

 More and more people are doing this . 

CIA genetics

 This raises many q uestions . 

Not all genetic

There are other factors as well . 

Genetic circuits

 Remember this is biology and not r obotics . 

Genetic performance

 This is what I will call it . 

Recycled genetics

 I have covered this story before . 

Autism genetic evidence

 I have been covering autism genetics for years . 

Social genetics

This is what I will call this . 

Genetic timesaver

 Where I live the people should learn English to save time . 

Unknown genetics

 It will not remain that for much l onger . 

Crops and genetics

 Will get the anti GM nuts upset . 

Genetic link

 That is not news at all we have so much of it n ow . 

CSI actress genetics

 You have to read the story to understand . 

Smoking and strokes

 This genetic research shows why people should give up smoking . 

Chronic fatigue genetics

 This is a lot . 

Cancer racism

 This genetic research will excite many woke people . 

Faithful genetics

 The Saudi royal family know all about this . 

Confusion and treatment

 This is the kind of stuff I like talking about in genetics . 

Genetic trick

 She should go and join the circus . 

Male UT genetics

 This is the kind of thing that many men don't talk about . 

Kidney cancer treatment

 Important genetic breakthrough which will save many lives .

Genetic sampling

 New technique for small mammals . . 

Best way

 Take a genetic test . 

GMO wine

 The French will have something to say about genetic engineering of wine . 

Hair genetics

 I sadly don't have much left . 


 There is some element of g enetics . 

Playing god

 We have done that way before the age of genetics . 

Royal genetics

 The link is very weak . 

Business genetics

 I have not covered this in sometime . 

Not so serious

 There are many serious genetic things and blindness is not one of them . 

Disabled students

 Not sure how many are genetic.  

Genetic nonsense

They are just stupid people . 

Oxford first

 There have been plenty of others in genetics . 

Wrong genetics

 It does happen sometimes . 

Genetic risk

 How reliable is the estimation ? 

White people genetics

 This is the kind of thing that get's the woke excited . 

ME genetics

 Large study launched . 

A lot of genetic research

 It seems even after a lot of research including genetics the vaccines are not good . 

Angry trans

 Some of them don't like genetic facts . 

Albinism Fellowship

 A lot of information about this little known genetic condition . 

LA genetics

 Should have gone for somewhere normal . 

Genetic fight back

 I wish them luck as they are going to need it . 

Genetic bargain

 Like getting more than you asked for at the supermarket . 

Another cold case

 Plenty been solved using genetics . 

Genetic promise

 I have already covered this . 

Not me

 I don't have this genetic background . 

Interesting fact

 I love those kind of genetic facts . 

Journalist genetics

 This is what I am going to call i t . 

Physics and genetics

 We have to wait to see what h appens . 

Bengal tiger genetics

 Are they from Bangladesh or India ? 

Will never happen

 There will always be genetic changes . 

Community newsletter

 Some interesting genetic stuff . 

Blind genetics

 Many people have accepted been blind . 

Auckland genetics

 New Zealand is a great co untry . 

Space genetics

 This is what I will call it . 

Coral genetics

 This is a very interesting fact . 

Lafora support

 This is a horrible genetic disease . 

SAGE will be happy

 Another COVID genetic story . 

One for SAGE fanatics

 No one cares a bout COVID genetics anymore . 

Tiny baby dies

 Another sad genetic death . 

Well genetics

 This makes no sense to me . 

Genetic flaw

 This raises a whole lot of q uestions . 

Jellyfish genetics

 Some would find this interesting . 

Genetic challenges

 There are many and we need to discuss them . 

Genetic MOU

 There will be many more . 

Autism cure hope

 I don't know enough about autism genetics to comment . 

Murder victim genetics

 Her family need closure after 39 years . 

Big genetic task

 There is so much to do . 

Horrible genetics

 I would hate to be that poor man . 

Slime genetics

 That is kind of disgusting . 

Super rare genetics

 This is kind of exciting . 

Genetic changes

 The main is I suppose doing the testing . 

Genetic setback

 There are other sides to this debate . 

It is good

 The world needs more genetic engineering . 

Genetic chances

 I imagine they would be pretty l ow . 


 Interesting genetic findings. I thought they were a myth . 

Siberian genetics

 It is too cold for anything . 

Abortion wars

 This is what this genetic testing will lead to . 

New genetic disease

 How many eye diseases do we have ? 

Plant adoption genetics

 This is very important for things like food security . 

Expensive genetics

 How can the NHS afford this ? 

Don't trust China

 We need to protect our genetic data from been misused by the Chinese Communist Party . 

Unborn genetics

 Something for abortion debate . 

Male genetics

 This time it's their prostate . 

Mystery solved

 We need the genetic police . 

Hearing loss

 New genetic hope . 

Genetic tracking

 We need the gene tic police . 

Heart jabs genetics

I hope they will be better than the COVID vaccines . 

Prostate genetic research

 Most people are too embraced to talk about their prostate . 

Online genetic resource

 We need more to benefit health . 

Genetic testing and depression

 The price might worry many people . 

Well done

 This is wonderful genetic news for this boy . 

3D genetics

 Is that a new thing ? 

Patient management

 Genetics is important in this . 

Genetics education

 Australia is a good place as any . 

Cholera genetics

 Interesting article about Dhaka . 

Ireland genetic loss

 The services in the UK including Northern Ireland will not be impacted . 

Genetic silver lining

 We have heard this many times . 

Plant root genetics

 I have no idea what is  this . 

Climate change genetics

 There maybe some good news for plants . 

Bigger is better

 Not just in genetics but in many other things . 

Genetic mapping and cancer

I can't read regular maps so can I read genetic ones ? 

Genetic loss

 I know nothing about plants . 

Promising genetics

 We hear that all the time . 

Family benefits

 They can be genetic as well . 

Outside genetics again

 many children would really hate t his . 

Outside genetics

I know a 8 moth old who likes looking at cars . 

Heart genetics

 Don't have a time to read the new findings . 

Horse genetics

 It is down to a tooth . 

Genetic myths

 Interesting website from the University of Delaware . 

University of Alberta

 Not sure if I ever covered genetic work done by th em . 

Early COVID genetics

 We are going to have a very detailed pointless genetic history soon . 

Very rare genetics

 Only 600 others in the world have what this baby has . 

Insurance and genetics

 This is mainly an American thing . 

Within reach

 There is always a catch in genetics . 

Genetics and mental health

 This article does not surprise me at all . 

Emissions and genetics

 I am still amazed by genetics after all this time . 

Luck genetics

 This is all to do with luck . 

Prevention on genetic cure

 I have not heard of this website before . 

Sad but not unique

 I am sure this kind of genetic breaking point happens to many families . 

Opioid use genetics

 Major scandal in th e United States

Genetic funding

 Interesting article from the FT . 

Jab genetics

 This time it is Sky News . 

No genetic charities

 Though they are welcome to register . 

Sick genetics

 That is all I can say . 

Simple jab genetics

After COVID we should all be careful . 

Genetic cure

 The Guardian has a report on it . 

Monekypox genetics

 Is this the new COVID ? 

Genetic cure

 Some good news at last . 

New population genetics technique

 It is very important to understand population g enetics . 

Genetic death question

 We need more of those q uestions . 

Channel 4 News genetics

 I can't think of any other suitable headline . 

Age and genetics

 I could go on and on but I won't . 

It's back

 I have not covered COVID genetics in sometime . 

Selfish genetics

 We all have this trait . 

Genetic cloning

Not just in the movies . 

Genetic app

 The thing is a bit more complicated to be honest . 

It's Metro

 Celebrity genetics is a joke when you don't know who the celebrity is . 

Flying penguin genetics

 This article explains why they can't fly but are excellent swimmers . 

Two headed calf

 This genetic condition is very rare in calf's . 

Celebrity genetics

 I have no idea who she is . 

Blockchain genetics

 I don't really understand it . 

Doesn't work

 I don't want to know my mother's genetics . 

Physics and genetics

 Genetics is usually associated with biology . 

Life saving

 This genetic discovery will save many lives . 

1975 murder

 Genetic justice at work . 

Computer genetics

 This is the future of genetics . 

Origins of humans

 This is very important in history and genetics . 

Genetic confirmation

 Remember folks this is early days . 

Genetic engineering and movies

 i suppose it would be better than a ethics class in many ca ses . 

Length of life

 It seems there is a genetic answer . 

Lung cancer treatment

 This genetic discovery appears to be good news . 

Nager Syndrome

 Some useful information on this genetic condition . 

Parkinson's genetics

 I am sure we will be waiting sometime for this . 

Genetics could

 As I have said before I am no fan of that word . 

Genetic determination

 This is what I am going to call it . 

Racing genetics

 Racing is the main purpose of horses now . 

Uncharted genetics

 Good to know there is still some left . 

Male take

 On abortion and genetics . 

Genetic testing and depression

 This has not occurred to me . 

Genetic patterns

 I am too hot to understand this due to the heat wave . 

Darwin and evolution

 We are using new genetic techniques . 

CTE risk

 The answer maybe g enetic . 

Genetic testing fraud

 It doesn't get the attention that it de serves . 

Daddy depression

 Genetics is not so simple . 

Genetic market

 I write those blog posts every so often . 

Many genetic charities

Which could benefit from this . 

Tragic death

 There will be many more from genetic diseases . 

Sustainable cotton

Another benefit of genetics . 

Crime solved

 I covered this genetic story last time . 

Historic justice

 The benefits of genetics . 

Hip genetics

 Many elderly people will benefit . 

COVID genetics again

 I don't understand this article at all . 

Meat allergy genetics

 I am allergic to the cost of meat . 

Genetic dangers

 What are the dangers of this form of genetic testing ?

Zebrafish genetic atlas

 I know nothing about z ebrafish . 

Children and genetics

 We are learning more and more ever yday . 

Safer genetics

 This sounds like good news . 

another murder

 I have not covered genetics and murder for sometime . 

Markets update

 This is only a genetics market update . 

Heart defect genetics

 Glad I am not blogging about COVID . 

Possible genetic fix

 The word in this article is may . 

Mental illness genetics

 This is more important than COVID . 

Genetic predictions

 I am a bit sceptical about this. kind of thing . 

Genetic start

 For some children this will be the start of a genetic journey . 


 This article on abortion and genetics is wrong as it is state by s tate . 

Ancient tree genetics

 I am planting a lot by using ecosia . 

AI and IVF genetics

 Everything is now AI . 

Metro on tadpoles

 I need other genetic stories . 

Sharing genetic traits

 Humans have a lot in common with some animals . 

Genetic screening and abortion

 We are going to get a lot more of those stories . 

Good question

 One of the basic ones we need to answer in genetics . 


 The genetic research was conducted in P ortsmouth . 

Tadpoles again

 The Belfast Telegraph has written this genetic story . 

Tadpoles and genetics

 This seems like novel approach in ge netics . 

Human migration

 They will have to rewrite it due to those genetic methods . 

No genetic material

 Not hte usual genetic stuff I cover in this blog . 

History of genetic diseases

 this is interesting and we will gain a better understanding of genetic diseases . 

Kidney genetics

 I have been covering this a l ot . 

Another basic question

 I like those questions in genetics . 

TB bacteria

 I have not covered TB genetics for ages . 

Korean genetics

 Interesting headline but it makes no sense . 

Malta genetics again

 Not sure what is happening in Malta to be honest . 

MND genetics

 The word in this article is may . 

Genetic market report

 I don't understand most of this s tuff . 

Music genetics

 Is there anything left ? 

Sense genetics

 Some people lack any at all . 

Recycling genetic stories

 I thought it had stopped but it is back again . 


 We need safeguards in extending genetics to this . 

Time genetics

 Time is important . 

Stunned genetics

 Don't know what else to write as the heat is getting to me . 

Like social media

Hopefully it iwll not be as damaging to genetics as it is to social media . 

Genetic challenge

 I hope they can do it . 

Many questions

 This genetics story raises many questions . 

Justified genetic death

 They serve no purpose but human misery . 

A lot of variants

 This is a lot of genetic variants connected with severe C OVID . 

Lame genetics

 There are so many bad jokes that I could make . 

UK Biobank genetics

 I know very little about the UK Biobank however it is important for research into genetic d iseases . 

Ahead of the law

 The law can't keep up with the developments in genetics . 

Genetic theft

 I thought I had covered this already . 

Cancer family genetics

 Some in my family have it and others don't . 

Genetic hero

 This is what we will call h er . 

Harmful genetics

 Don't trust the silent ones . 

Genetic melting pot

 They will find somewhere new tomorrow . 

Miscarriage genetics

 Hopefully they can be greatly reduced now . 

Not me

They won't find those genetic clues in me . 

Fishing genetics

 Most of the fisherman will not care . 

Smile genetics

 At least she will have a poker face . 

Doctor's for choice

 This is a big genetics row in Malta . 

Epilepsy genetics comeback

 I have not covered this in s ometime . 

Genetic campaign

 This one seems to be aimed at doctors . 

Genetic profits

 Good to see some companies doing will in this economic crisis . 

Genetic research and Africa

 This is actually a important issue . 

Chimp genetic map

 Let's hope this works in reducing trafficking . 

NBC genetics

 You will have to read the story to understand it . 

NZ genetic discrimination

 I don't trust their stupid Prime Minister . 

Genetic lab accident

 This is how COVID started off in China . 

Monkeypox genetics

 The medi are not covering this due to the jubilee in the UK . 

DNA theft

 A area of genetics which I have not thought about . 

Big genetic mistake

 Never trust anyone . 

Genetic checks

 She should have not trusted h im . 

Genetic courses

 There are plenty of them along with courses from everything from religion to history . 

Google genetics

 I would use ecosia i nstead . 

No idea

 I can't keep up with all the developments in gene tics . 

Dishonest donor

 tehy could run genetic tests on the sperm to make sure . 

Catholics and genetics

 You don't expect honesty from those child abusers .

Spider sex genetics

 I know nothing about this area .

Mail order genetics

 There are dangers for people who are criminally minded . 

Genetic technology bill

 People will need to look at it very carefully but it should be good . 

Genetics and crime investigations

 I have been covering this for a long time . 

Genetic tragedy

 Only one can be saved . 

Nevada genetics

 They have to do something beyond gambling . 

Breast size genetics

 I like all shapes and sizes . 

Better treatment

 How long before this genetic promise comes through ? 

Habit and dementia

 This genetic article only lists 7 . 

Immune system genetics

 Everything is now genetic . 

UK genetic editing law

 This si the environmentalists take on this . 

Scottish genetic engineering

 Westminster is right and Scotland needs to rethink . 

Genetic letter

 Seems to be a warning letter to the FT . 

Tomato genetics

 I hope that they taste good . 

Genetic fail

 Bad news for the sh areholders . 


 We will hear a lot more about it and whether it is genetic or not .

Irish genetics

 What do Sinn Fein think about this ? 

Genetic crime

 In my this is a very serious war crime . 

Genetic standard

 I have been denied access to the article . 

Sea and genetics

 The sea has a lot to play in human history . 

Ancient genetics and modern Europe

 This is one of the areas that I love covering in g enetics . 

Abortion and genetics

 The fanatics don't care . 

Peak genetics

 I can't read the article as I have not subscribed . 

Toronto genetics

 The research was conducted by a researcher from Toronto . 

Might genetics

 I don't like words like might as it is u ncertain . 

Genetics and evolution

 you have to read it to fully grasp it . 

Lack of genetic care

 What were the staff in the bloody hospital thinking of ? 

Genetics and common disease

 I was no aware of this interesting fact . 

Genetic risks

 We don't get enough warnings about that . 

Gulf war genetics

 Have not seen any coverage of this in the media . 

Cancer genetic hope

 People have been saying that for ages . 

Tall genetics

 What about all the short people ? 

Steady growth

 Don't hear that in genetics often . 

Pink pigeon genetics

 I was not aware there was more than one kind . 

Farmer genetics

 History will have to be rewritten . 

Desperate genetics

 30 years is a long time not to sit down . 

A bit late

 Genetic testing in some cases should be done earlier . 

Charity Bank

 Great customer service. I am not sure what they have done for genetic charities . 

Tumour genetics

 Must be hard getting a girlfriend ? 

Genetic answer

 There are many more genetic questions . 

Inclusive genetic testing

Have the woke taken over genetic testing ? 

Genetic cure

 It is just a bit of cold and flu . 

Belly fat genetics

 There is some aspect to cancer . 

Genetic threat

 You have to read it to understand i t . 

COVID is finished

 No one cares about COVID genetics anymore . 

Rabbit genetics

 I am more interested in what they taste l ike . 

White genetics

 Some would consider this to be racist . 

Sounds like a recipe

 It is actually a genetics story . 

China genetic data control

 We all know why this is happening . 

Genetic surprises

 We have plenty of them . 

Genetics and ethics

 Some states are basically banning abortions . 

Poor girl

 It doesn't appear to be genetic related . 

Replacement genetics

 It get's stranger all the time . 

Saves money

 This genetic test will save a lot of money . 

Dog breed genetics

 I know very little about dogs . 

This time India

 COVID genetics is trying to make a comeback . 

OU genetics

 Genetics education is very important . 

Progression genetics

 I have no idea what the article is about . 

Yahoo on lupus

 This is becoming like COVID genetics . 

COVID genetics

 I am more interested in the COVID abuses in China . 

Belfast Telegraph on lupus genetics

 I am a unionist and I do like to cover the whole of the UK . 

History of genetics

 I could not find anything else to post . 

OAP genetics

 Does anyone really care ? 

Cancer genetic research

 I don't understand this to be honest . 

Toad survival

 Further evidence that genetic diversity is important . 

Lupus genetics again

 Some genetic stories get a lot of coverage and others not much . 

Lupus genetics

 I don't know much about lupus . 

Large scale genetics

 Some interesting findings on cancer . 

Ageing and mobility

 Don't see any point in this ageing genetic research .