
Showing posts from December, 2021

Extreme genetics

 This seems to be pretty extreme . 

Genetic material

Interesting idea . 

Coffee and choclate

 There is a genetic element to it . 

Income genetics

 What would Adam Smith s ay ? 

Epilepsy management

 Important article about epilepsy and genetics in ch ildren . 

Cancer risk genetics

 Everything is about data now . 

Black women and genetics

 A lot more besides racism . 

Very good genetic news

 I wish I had this. Those people are very lucky . 

Root genetics

 The picture looks very good . 

Genetic Algorithms

 The future is already here . 

MS genetic risk

 Interesting article from Scotland . 


 i don't cover Pakistan genetics very often . 

Afghan genetics

 More to Afghanistan tham war . 

Spider genetics

 How many kinds are there ? 

Genetic investing

 There are risks associated with this . 

Why so long?

 This is not a new genetic technique . 

Pets and humans

 Interesting genetic article. We have a cat . 

Elf genetics

 Best headline I could come up with on short notice . 

Ramsey genetics

 I covered this story last night . 

Wine grapes

 Some interesting genetic research on their history . 


 This genetics story brings some back . 

SUDS genetics after 1

 It is a terrible thing for all those left b ehind . 

Early genetics

 You have to read the article to understand this . 

China genetic testing market

 Let's not forget that COVID was created in China . 

Genetic bias

 I have covered this before . 

Genetic modelling

 Does it have any of the those problems ? 

British Pakistani genetics

 Pakistan is a country so there is no ethnic or religious groups called Pakistani . 

Lifestyle genetics

 I have been covering this topic for ages . 

Easy genetics

 Alaska doesn't have many people . 

Genetic bias

 How big an issue is that ? 

Genetic X factor

Nothing to do with the TV s how . 

Beyond genetics

 I don't know what else to call my h eadline . 

Gene therapy

 I have not covered this area of genetics in a ges . 

Genetic abortion law

 American abortion laws are all about politics and religion . 

Skin care genetics

 Most people don't need this r ubbish . 

What about genetic diseases?

That is the main theme of this blog. Boris has gone too fa r . 

Genetic variants

 This is a rather interesting a rticle . 

Missing genetic switch

 We have all the light switches and they all work . 

COVID music again

 Why am I getting the same genetic stories all the time ? 

COVID genetics

 There seems to be only one story on COVID genetics not sure where the rest are . 

Far too complicated genetic headline

 Headlines should be simple and easy to understand. They are not helping genetic understanding . 

COVID genetic song

 I have covered this once before . 

COVID genetics and Japan

 Japan is a unique country in many ways . 

Brain genetics again

 I have not covered this due to COVID for a long time . 

COVID music genetics

 I wonder what those fanatics in SAGE think of this ? 

Verdict overturned

 We will hear more about this in genetics . 

Kids and genetics

 Can't read this article in the UK . 


Interesting genetic article from the country that tried to stop COVID.  

Evenings with Genetics

 Sounds like one of those things which I don't watch on the telly . 

Support genetic research

 People have to raise a lot of the money . 

Genetic help

 Good to see this in Belfast . 

Boring genetics

 If I did that I would be bored . 

Deer genetics

 This aritlc is well worth a read . 

Not surprising

 I have been covering genetics for ages . 

Omicron genetics

 This is the first of many articles about this variant . 

New use for IVF

 In the many years that I have covered genetics I have not really come across this . 

Rare disease

 Some important genetic news . 

Genetic stuttering

 Along with COVID now.  

Marriage and genetics

 Who said romance was d ead ? 


 It is an important genetic testing market . 

Genetic lottery

 I know nothing about the health system in A ustralia . 

Europe genetics

 This is after BREXIT .