
Showing posts from July, 2021

Death and genetic secrets

 Death is a essential part of life . 

No thank you

 As I have said before I would rather take the genetic risk . 

Genetic take

 The last post I posted has a interesting genetic take on this . 

Some genetics

 It is very brief but the episode is worth watching . 

Genetic engineering again

 This time it is the New York Post . 

Genetic debates

 The public don't care about them . 

Benefit of genetic engineering

Critics of genetic engineering should read this article . 

Genetic chances

 I would rather risk it . 

Latino genetics

 Is that racist or not? I am sure the woke will tell me . 

Hearing loss

 Interesting genetic treatment . 

Woke genetics

 Genetics is going woke like the whole world . 

Genetic wait

 10 years is sometime . 

Genetic interview

 I missed it the first time round . 

Genetic links examined

 There is so many to be examined still . 

Women and genetic testing

 This is a very interesting article about women over 65 . 

Massive advance

 This is a massive advance in genetics when the test is 15 times better . 

Genetics and depression

 It is a bit more complicated than the headline suggests . 


 Scientific fraud seems to be a big problem. Genetics is a major business now . 

Unlocking genetic clues

 This is like a genetic mystery . 

Football and genetics

 Football is less about sport and more about money . 

Business genetics again

 I cover this a lot . 

Good news for Wales

 When it comes to testing for cancer genetics . 

Genetic lottery

 It could be argued that life is a lottery . 

Genetic dreams and nightmares

 This sounds like a horror show from BBC . 

Genetics and environmental

 This debate has been going on for ages . 

Same but different

 This is how I would sum this genetic story up . 

Pie genetics

 You will have to read the headline to understand . 

Genetic truth

 People of Australia need to know it . 

Perfect match

 There is no such thing even in genetics . 

Cancer risk

 Genetic diseases are bound to impact a lot of things . 

Came from China

 I wonder if Trump has read this genetic research ? 

Global policy challenge

 China collecting genetic data is not good for anyone . 

Best ever

 Genetic tests are getting better and better . 

Mixed race again

 In years to come this will be a important part of genetics . 

Headache genetics

 I don't know anything about this to be honest . 

Mixed race genetics

 I wonder if they will redo some of the western movies n ow ? 

Importance of genetic counselling

Genetic counselling will be used for far more besides this . 

Important genetic study

 We need all the help we can with pests . 

Sunflower oil genetics

 To be honest I don't know anything abut it . 

Court action

 This alleged genetic data sharing will most likely end up in the courts . 

Partial genetic match

 This is very rare genetics indeed . 

Genetic death

 I have never heard of him . 

Genetic transfer

 I have always found this topic interesting . 

Military genetics

 I would not trust China with anything . 

Genetic engineering platform

 We are going to I suppose need one sooner or later . 

Ocean genetic library

 The fish will not be able to read the stuff in the library . 

COVID genetics again

I have been covering those stories for sometime . 

It's back

 This is utter genetic rubbish . 

Easier genetics

 This is what I like to hear . 

Relative genetics

 i wonder which famous person I am related to ? 

Genetic luck

 It could just be down to luck . 

Rett syndrome

 Interesting genetic article on it's mechanics . 

Comprehensive genetic study

 We could do with more of them . 

Stone genetics again

 It is important that more people understand what this girl is going through . 

Genetic risk scores

 Genetic risk scores are not a quick solution . 

World first

 This genetic story is behind a paywall which I can't read . 

Genetic fighter

 She is one brave girl . 

No surprise

 After covering genetics for so long I don't find this surprising . 

Old murder case

 Solved by using new genetic technology . 

Sexual activity

 it to also could be genetic . 

Skinny genetics

 What does this mean for exercise ? 

Stone genetics

 This is just terrible the poor girl .