
Showing posts from July, 2019

Finnish genetics

I know very little about Finland .

PTSD genetics

I have covered this before .

Genetic worry

I am sure most people can handle it .

Genetic secrets

Quite a lot I think .

PTSD genetics

It is a horrible thing .

HIV genetics

It could be over 100 years old .

Genetic good news

The NHS have not lost all genetic data .

Unexpected questions

Problems with genetic testing for some .

Soldier genetics

This is a dangerous arms race .

Genetic testing scams

Big business like HMRC scams .

Free genetic testing

With things like this there is always a catch .

Genetic mapping

Genetic data is big business .

Genetics and crime

Not sure if we should be worried about this ?

Urban farming

Genetics helping the future of farming .

Dark matter

Not aware of this in genetics .

Epilepsy genetics

Have not covered this for sometime .

Family genetics

This is terrible .


I have not thought about the psychology of genetic testing .

Heart attacks

New genetic study with interesting results .

Genetic origins

Some very interesting findings .

Genetic crackdown

It is a bit late now .

Another one

Genetic testing scams seem to be a major problem .

Before birth

Genetics starts very early it seems .

Genetic IQ

I am no fan of this .

Good genetics

People forget things like this .

Genetic success

Very good news for him .

Sleep benefits

I am not getting any of the genetic benefits .

Weed control genetics

Weed control is a very important thing .

Innocent genetics

Spending all that time in jail .

Early stage genetics

Still plenty of work to be done .


This rabbit has not let his genetic condition define him .

Genetic market update

I love those things .

Good news

Always a genetic catch .


Need to know a lot more about genetic testing .

Healthy living

I would rather take my genetic chances .

Suffering genetics

A lot of people have the same problem .

Genetic testing scam

Plenty of warnings which I have covered .

Genetic secrets

How dare those fish keep secrets .

Awful genetic test

I can't see it's b enefits .

Genetic miracle

Note I don't believe in miracles .

Genetic trauma

I wonder what it is like ?

Worth it?

Is genetic screening actually worth it ?

Genetic privacy laws

I feel that we may need new ones .

Unsecure genetics

This is terrible and I hope the company get's a huge fine .

Genetic testing fraud

I have not seen anything about this on the TV here in the UK .

Genetic fight

They are brave taking on this fight .

Genetic warning

To pensioners in the United States .

Good Australia

Taken the right genetic decision .

Genetic data sharing

Irish government are playing a dangerous game .

Action needed

We have to stop those genetic testing firms .

PRE horses

Don't know anything about their genetics .

Good idea

So long as genetic tagging is not done on humans .

Genetic army

I am sure everyone is doing the same .

Genetic help

This is a good idea .

Sex genetics

No idea what this is to be honest .

Genetic tagging

I am not sure whether I am entirely happy with this .

Not always useful

Something that genetic testing companies forget to mention .

Horse genetics again

I have not read the story to really understand it .

Plant sex

Interesting genetic findings .


Genetic testing companies should not do this .

Genetic sex selection

I find this quite worrying to be honest .

Gender selection

How long before this is used in humans ?