
Showing posts from August, 2016

Genetic war

It could be argued that the whole of genetics is like a war .

Plague genetics

I am really keen on the plague .


I would rather wait for the genetic results .

Something new

In the world of genetics this could be something new .

Genetics and dieting

I am not into dieting so I don't really care about genetics and dieting .

Nothing new

I see nothing new in this article about autism and genetics .

Genetic bad luck

Here is another story about those poor identical twins .

Excel genetics

This is very odd in all my time covering genetics .

Vice on coffee habit

This time it is Vice on our genetic coffee habit .

Genetic engineering Bolt

Sadly I fear that the article is right and genetic engineering will create another Usain Bolt .

Face genetics

The face is a truly amazing thing .


Can this genetic test deliver what it promises ?

Complex genetics

In the world of autism this is not breaking news. We have known for a long time that the genetics were complex .

Coffee habit genetics

I wonder is my dislike of coffee genetic ?

Unlucky twin

All things been considered equal in the world of genetics one of them is very unlucky .

Strawberry genetics

Good news for people who love strawberries .

Unlucky infection

She goes with a simple foot infection and it turns out to be a incurable genetic disorder .

Better sheep

Very good use of genetic tools. I hope they taste good .

Best genetic diet

No thanks I don't believe in diets be they genetic or not .

Finns not European

Genetically people from Finland are not European .

Eye cancer genetics

This time it is the Indian Express on eye cancer genetics .

Pecan genetics

I don't know anything about pecan .

Eye cancer genetics

In the world of genetics this is nothing new .

Useful data

Now that we have this useful genetic data let's put it to good use .

Don't take it

Another reason not to take genetic tests .

23andMe outsourcing

I am not sure if genetic outsourcing by 23andMe is a good idea .

Life hacking

Not entirely sure about this part of genetics .

Lack of diversity

There is a lack of diversity in genetic studies which is bad .

Benefits of genetic database

This article discusses the positives rather than the negatives of a genetic database .

Pain genetics

Genetics does not play that much a part in pain .

Incest is incest

Those disgusting people using genetics should be ashamed. They should learn a bit of self control .

Speed limit and genetics

The one has got nothing to do with the other. Don't see the point of this article .

Good idea

Hopefully this genetic test can save lives .

Social brain

This is the by product of genetic research into Williams syndrome .

Genetics and diet

Nothing new I have covered this before .

Success and genetics

It is down to other things like the climate rather than genetics .

Cruel genetics

In the case of this family in Liverpool genetics can be very cruel .

Self-report data

How reliable is self-report genetic data ?

Runner genetics

People have been talking about East African runners and genetics for a long time .

Monkey brain genetic map

I wonder if I can read this? I can't read maps. Than again this is a genetic map .

Change everything

According to this article genetic engineering will change everything .

Breach privacy

Of course genetic testing kits breach p rivacy .

German genetics

RT has a follow up on the story that I covered last time .

Animal genetic testing

The genetic testing of animals seems to have tripled in Germany in the last 10 years .

Complicated terms

Some of the terms are complicated. Though not the genetic ones .

The future

Welcome to the future where things like fertility, genetics and sperm donation will be decided by a court .

Crowdsourcing genetics

Crowdsourcing will play a important part in the future of genetics in reducing things like cost .

Very old genetics

This is very old genetics 420 million years ago .

Great need

There is a great need for them as genetics is ever e xpanding .

Cancer genetics

Everyday nothing major happens in cancer genetics .

ALS genetics

I can't even remember what ALS stands for .

Alcohol and genetics

Very interesting research done on rats .

In search of a genetic story

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes I have to search very hard for a story. Other times they just come .

Not fun

Counting genetic mutations is not fun .

Getting old

This story about the future of genetic enhancements been in China is getting old. I have read and posted it a few times .

Autism genetics

I thought that autism was not genetic ?

China and genetic ethics

The Chinese disregard for ethics in the field of genetic enhancements should be a concern to us all .

Depression genetics

Genetics is only part of it .

Genetic traveler

It was very nice of his friend to carry this genetic traveler .


I agree that the future of genetic enhancements is not in the West. In fact I would say that the future of science is not in the West .

Depression genetics

Scientists have discovered 17 that increase the risk .

Prince heirs

Genetic testing for the 6 of them is a waste of time and money .