
Showing posts from June, 2016

Right call on abortion block

Some genetic abnormalities can be horrible. The judge has made the right call. Religious nutters are out of control .

FDA cleared

Good the FDA should have cleared this a long time ago .

Too advanced

Not a expert on genetics. This is too advanced for me .

Young cardiac genetics

The New Zealand Herald is a bit late with this .

Obesity and breast cancer

Yes girls you can get that from your daddy. Bad genetics .

Bad news

We don't have good genetics .

Not all good

Knowing your genetic data is not all good .

Genetic discrimination award

This Senator from Canada has won it for his work on genetic discrimination .

Jagger genetics

Could be a lot of other things .

Academic genetics

Genetics can influence academic performance .

Genetic pesticide

If they could find a genetic pesticide they will be making a fortune .

Migraine cause

New genetic research may have identified the cause .

Genetic testing

It is not only humans that genetic testing is important in .

Blood cancer genetics

I know nothing about blood cancer. Now I do .

Patent human genetic blueprint

I hope that scientists don't go that far and patent the human genetic blueprint .

Young heart genetics

Hopefully some good will come out of it .

Genetic counseling

It is a very important area of modern medicine .

Bowel cancer genetics

Interesting the results of this landmark study .

Amish genetics

Founder moving on after 27 years .

Migraine genetics

I know a friend of mine who has migraine so this would be good for her .

Silly genetics

This is silly genetics .

PTSD genetics

PTSD is a major problem of our time .

Genetics and interest rates

Is this a scare story before the EU referendum on Thursday ?


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Genetic prize winners

Well done to the 3 of them who won for genetic editing tools .

Eye cancer genetics

I wish good luck to this family in their battle against this genetic form of eye cancer .

Ataxia genetics

I heard of it somewhere before but I don't know anything about it .

Is Perthes Disease genetic?

I have never heard of it. I have no idea about whether it is genetic or not .


Even with the aid of genetics people will still have sex .

A-Level genetics

This time it is the Daily Mail .

A-level genetics

What you study is down to your genetics .

Drug development

It seems that genetics plays a big part in drug development .

Exercise and bone genetics

Those poor children .

Behaviour genetics

If you ask me it is more to do with the environment .

Height genetics

Fresh genetic clues to why we are tall, short or average .


Genetic counseling does offer a good career for people with the right knowledge .

Genetic base cow

Don't know anything about this in New Zealand .

Movie genetics

We have to be careful in the real world .

IVF technique safe

Good news for people who want to have babies and cut the risk of passing on genetic diseases .

Horse cancer genetics

I don't think that I have ever covered horse cancer genetics before .

Super plant

I support this use of genetics wholeheartedly .

Mouth ulcers

Genetic clue to the development of mouth ulcers .

No males required

This genetic quirk must be stopped .

Genetic testing tactics

Some of the tactics used by genetic testing companies to make a profit are questionable .

Ethical issues

Ethical issues are very important in genetics,

Ecological risk

Fast spreading genetic mutations are causing it .

Unknown genes

There is a lot of mystery in genetics .

Success genetics

Some people would be losers because of their genetics .

Blame ancient relatives

According to this I can blame ancient relatives and the genes they left me for my fitness. Another genetic e xcuse .

Social and economic success

Personally I don't believe it is down to genetics .

Phone genetics

It may cut costs but I am not so sure it is a good idea .

Swiss genetics

Good to see them catching up with the rest of Europe on genetics .

Genetic isolation

It can't be that easy dealing with a genetic disorder on your own .

Cancer genetic fingerprint

I did hear on LBC that cancer treatment was going to improve a lot .

Moving genetic engineering debate on

Very unlikely that the genetic engineering debate will move on .

Genetic testing of tumours

The word is could as with a lot of stories about genetics .

Where dogs come from

I don't care about dog genetics .

Genetic smoking gun

I am more interested in the end results of this .

Universal cancer vaccine

After covering genetics for a long time I tend to be a little skeptical about things like this .

Moth genetics

I don't know anything about moths .

Modifying humanity

According to Bloomberg this is the tool that will modify humanity .