
Showing posts from March, 2016

Childhood cancer and genetic testing

Let's hope that this genetic testing improves the survival rate .

Exciting genetic tests

Don't see what is so exciting about those genetic tests .

Addiction genetics

What can they do about it ?

Together to fight zika

Good to see that scientists are coming together to fight zika .

Malaria genetics

People have been talking about this for ages .

Interbreeding genetics

The genetics of interbreeding .

Bat wing genetics

It seems that their genetics is weird .

Pre-pregnancy genetic testing

What women and doctors should know about pre-pregnancy genetic testing .

Really genetic?

I personally have doubts on whether anxiety is really genetic .

Autism genetics explained

The genetics of why some people don't get autism is explained here .

Zika and football

I would have never thought of this. It's amazing what genetic research can come up with .

App genetics

Stanford have joined forces with the genetic testing company 23andMe .

Genetic twist

A very interesting genetic twist .

Zika in Brazil

According to genetic research it may have landed in Brazil in 2013 .

Zika genetic secrets

Finding it's genetic secrets is the best way to beat it .

Genetics, beta cells and diabetes

I know nothing about this topic. Can someone who is a expert on genetics help me ?

Diabetes genetic test

Let's hope that this new genetic test works .

Knowing genetic risk

What is the point in knowing genetic risk if you don't take action ?

Anxiety genetics

Looking at my family I would say that anxiety is not genetic .

We all carry autism gene

This is amazing breaking news from the world of autism genetics .

Foxes genetic rescue

One of the few times that people want to rescue foxes .

New Zealand study volunteers

If I lived in New Zealand I would be careful until I knew how my genetic data was going to be used .

Genetic sequencing for more Victorians

Let's hope that the patients in Victoria benefit from genetic sequecning .

Parents encourage genetic testing

I would listen to this couple and their sad story .

Pointless genetic testing

After reading this article you begin to wonder if genetic testing is pointless for some people ?

WHO Zika genetic trials

The WHO have made the right decision in backing the genetic trials .

Common ground

We need it in genetic engineering .


Genetic test results have no impact .

4-leaf clover genetics

I had no idea that 4-leaf clover genetics was such a mystery .

Pointless genetic tests

They are pointless genetic tests as people just ignore them .

Can't be bothered

The reason is that after we get the genetic test results we can't be bothered to do anything with them .

No impact on lifestyle

Most people don't care about those genetic test results .

Earliest genetic evidence of neanderthals

This is very exciting to people interested in history. Another example of the use of genetics in history .

Maths and reading genetics

75% is a high score for genetics .

Citizenship and genetics

I know nothing about citizenship and genetics in Canada .

Beagle genetics

They have been accused of animal cruelty .

Cutting genetic hearing loss

This is genetic crap .

Simple genetics guide

People need this as genetics can be confusing .

About time

It seems the authorities have not kept up to date with genetic developments .


It is disgraceful that those politicans are making women and their future children suffer with horrible genetic diseases just to prove a point. It should be a personal choice for the woman and her family .

Human origins

Genetics is debunking old myths .

23andMe opens up

The only genetic testing company to actually advertise in UK TV and radio as far as I know .


I am concerned that a genetic testing company is doing this .

Legal protection

I agree our genetic information needs legal protection .

Debate stalling progress

It seems that the genetic engineering debate which will never really finish is actually stalling progress .

Genetics and earing power

Sounds like a lot of rubbish with genetics on top .

Genetic counseling benefits

The benefit of genetic counseling .

Good or bad idea?

I am not sure if this genetic testing company has come up with a good idea or not .

Genetic test truth

A lot of people maybe shocked about this but this is true in the world of genetic testing .

Tree genetic profile

I was not aware that genetic profiling of trees was possible .

Wrong genetic test result

Nothing in genetic testing is 100% right. You are bound to get wrong test results .

Gray hair genetics

NPR has a interesting article on gray hair genetics .

Genetics and mental illness

The Wall Street Journal says we should not get carried away .

Dirty secret of genetic testing

There are I am sure more secrets of genetic testing waiting to come out .

Is crime genetic?

This is going to open up a whole can of worms .

Genetics and us

Genetics play a role in who we are .

DNA donors and genetic illnesses

I can't remember the last time I covered a genetics related story from the Mirror .

Men and gorillas

Surprising genetic links between men and gorillas .

Hair genetics

Raw Story has an article on hair genetics .

Hair genetics

There has been a lot of reporting on this today on the television .

Genetic wellness test

I will never ever take a genetic wellness test .

Postal genetics

I am against this. I believe that genetic tests should not be done via the post .