
Showing posts from September, 2015

Genetic improvement

This is a massive genetic improvement .

Mice genetics

I did not know that this happened in Utah .

New genetic test

Good to see that scientists have developed a genetic test for the silent killer .

Problem sovlving genetics

The future of problem solving .

Smoking genetics

The genetics of why some smokers stay healthy .

Pig and human genetics

I must have some pig genetics. People say I eat like one .

Genetics and morals

I don't really go in for religious morals only scientific facts .

Mice relative genetics

Another article on mice relative genetics .

Antidepressants and genetics

I had no idea that genetic tests were been conducted for them .

Excellent idea

Woman with genetic diseases should discuss things before having babies .

Breast cancer relapse genetics

Article on the genetics of why some relapse with breast cancer .

Relative genetics

Interesting article on mice and relative genetics .

Wild horse genetics

Not many wild horses are left. There used to be plenty of them once .

Autism genetics

Half the causes of autism maybe genetic .

Free rice genetics database

This database is very important. Rice is a staple food for a lot of people and we need to better understand it's genetic makeup .

Heart genetics

I suspect the heart has less to do with genetics and more to do with lifestyle .

Scientists part of genetics ethical debate

I agree with the Guardian that scientists should be part of the genetics ethical debate .

Greenland genetics

Fish is one of the few things you can have in Greenland .

High street genetic tests

The BBC has a long article on high street genetic tests .

Wine genetics

Wine is big business so it is natural that genetics would play a part in it .

Extinct animals

Can genetic engineering bring back extinct animals ?

Genetic freak

I guess a lot of sports people are genetic freaks .

Genetic lottery

This couple have won the genetic lottery. I wish them the best of luck .

Nothing new

I have reported on the complex genetic background of Americans before .

Miscarriage genetics

Genetic investigation into why some women have repeated miscarriages .

Permission to genetically modify embryos

UK scientists are seeking permission to genetically modifiy embryos .

Food genetics

A good idea to use genetic testing to see what is in our food .

UCLA genetic diseases

Good to see UCLA trying to solve those genetic mysteries .


Three children in the same family suffering from the same genetic disease .

Software genetics

The use of computer software in genetic research .

Genetic investigation work

Good to see the genetic methods used in Ebola are been used for other things .

UK genetic share

This will help in genetic disease research .

Partner genetics

The Telegraph has got a article about partner genetics and Brits are boring .

Jeans for genes

Help people with genetic disorders this Friday .

50% genetic

50% genetic is quite high .

Grwoth genetics

Because of her genetic disorder she is growing very quickly .

Smoking and genetics

I am not sure if there is anything really new about smoking and genetics .

Leadership genetics

Jeremy Corbyn could do with a lot of leadership genetics .

Genetic traveller

I wish her well on her visit to Tokyo .

Genetic islands

Big animals like to move but now they are finding it harder to move which has a impact on their geneitcs .

Cancer fighter

Used to be a common plant until genetic engineering turned it into a cancer fighhter .

Genetic modification of embryos

Some believe that genetic modification of embryos is essential but the techniques are not there for clinical applicaiton yet .

Pink dolphin

This dolphin is pink because of genetics .

Flu genetics

Serious flu can be idnetified with a genetic test .

Species decline

Some of it can be explained by genetics .

Reef genetics

Interesting article about understanding the genetics of reefs .

How long will I live?

One genetic answer I am not interested in finding out .

Genetic Utopia

This article discusses the dangers associated with it. Genetics does have benefits but it also has dangers .

Jewish genetics

It has not reached it's full potential yet .

Updated policy on genetic testing

Genetic testing policies now need to be updated virtually every day or so .

Species in trouble

Genetics can be used to identify species in trouble .

Genetic model

She is different and unique from other models .

Genetic control methods

We need those genetic control methods for things like food security .

Brand new world

A article about the brand new world of cancer genetic testing .

Holocaust genetics

The Huffington Post has a follow up to it. This is a area of genetics which I am unsure of myself .

Anti-bullying campaigner

She is a brave woman having to overcome the discrimination she suffers because of her genetic disorder .

Autism genetics

As people who read this blog know autism genetics is something which I write a lot about but frankly there is not much new in it. I will keep on writing .

Genome editing

The Guardian has got a important article on this area of genetics .

Wild boar to farmyard pigs

Genetic data explains how it happened .

Rewriting sheep genetics

This new study has rewritten sheep genetics .