
Showing posts from February, 2015

India genetics leader

I would question whether India could be a genetics leader or not .

Lower back pain and depression

They could both be genetic .

Genetic comfort zone

I didn't know that there was a genetic comfort zone .

Genetics murder

Police to look into the murder of a genetics scientist killed in 1978 .

Bigger brain genetics

Interesting article on genetic tweaks and our brain .

Reluctant sheep farmers

Not sure why sheep farmers would be reluctant to use genetics .

Three parent genetics

Britain became the first country to allow three parent genetics .

Genetic test to have

This is the genetic test you have to have .

Model for genetic research

India has a long way to go in order to be a model for genetic research .

Fat genetics

More on the genetics of obesity .

FDA and 23andMe

The FDA and the genetic testing company 23andme have had some run ins in the past .

Dengue and genetics

Interesting article on dengue fever and genetics .


Obesity is very big in the world of genetics .

Bad luck genetics

Everything is now genetic related in one way or another .

Genetic instructions

I have covered this genetic story a lot .

Genetic bill watered down

Supporters claim that a genetic bill has been watered down .

A second genetic code

This is a article from CBC .

New genetic test

The FDA have given the go ahead .

What drives genes?

A interesting genetic question which I never really thought about .

Good sex

As with genetics it is not so straightforward .

Major genetic breakthrough

The Daily Mail is reporting on a very important genetic issue .

Young fathers

Bad news in passing on genetic disorders .


I am not familiar with this genetic disorder .

Part of the stroy

Genetics is not the whole story .

Genetic biobank

What does the genetic biobank mean for you ?

Genetic apples

Excellent news in the area of genetics .

Moose highway genetics

It seems that moose divided by a highway in Alaska may have different genetics .

It's my job

Genetic is bound to be someone's job I suppose .

Lafora disease

I have a new article on this rare genetic disorder .

Breast cancer genetics risk

This is about a woman's risk of getting genetic breast cancer .

Genetic shares

This genetic company's share price is doing well .

Personal genetics

This is very personal genetics for this graduate .

Cerebral palsy can be genetic

Australian researchers have proven that cerebral palsy can be genetic .

Obesity genetics

More on the obesity genetics story .

Fat map

A genetic map of obesity. The obese might eat the map .

World's strongest bulls

The worlds strongest bulls are a product of genetics .

Genetic guides to epigenetics

I read a book in 2013 about epigenetics and it is a exciting field of genetics .

Male baby genetics

RT has a article on the story which I discussed earlier about a genetically male woman giving birth to twins .

Breast cancer genetic screening

The Financial Times has a interesting article on breast cancer genetic screening .

Genetic data mining

A new frontier for the genetic testing company 23andme .

Genetically male gives birth

According to the Times of India the chances of a genetically male giving birth are something like one in a million .

Genetic lottery

Sometimes things like this do happen in the world of genetics .

Medicine and genetics

A letter to the New York Times .

Big idea AIDS genetics

Not sure what the big idea is though .

Subway genetics

To be honest I am not surprised as the Subway is a huge outfit and it is bound to have a lot of unexpected genetic material .

Genetic taboo

I didn't know there was any in genetics .

Supercomputer genetics

A very interesting article about the use of supercomputers in analyzing genetic data .

Breast cancer geneitcs

The Telegraph has a interesting article on breast cancer genetics which says that most common forms have a genetic mutation .

Three parent genetics

This happened yesterday in the Commons .

Heart attack genetics

Not sure I understand fully but here it is .

Three parent babies

The genetic legislation has passed the House of Commons. The Prime Minister says it is not playing god .

Brain genetics

This is a massive genetic study on brain genetics .

Genetic kill switch

This is great news. Hopefully there will be more genetic kill switches for other things .

Genetics boost

I never heard of this area before .

What genes tell us about health

This is a interesting article on genetics and I have not read it all yet but I will read it now to see what it says about health and genetics .

Precision medicne

Another article on precision medicine and genetics .