
Showing posts from July, 2014

Dedicated granddad

This granddad is decided to finding a cure for the genetic disease that his grandson suffers from .

Jeans for genes

Jeans for genes is happening again. I didn't know this .

Suicide genetics

This is a interesting article about suicide genetics .

23andMe grant

The genetic testing company 23andMe has got a grant from the NIH .

Friends genetics

I have covered this extensively .

Happiness genetics

The Huffington Post is a bit late with this .

GM babies

The Telegraph has an article on genetic modification and babies .

IVF success

An IVF technique to detect genetic disorders has had it's first success .

Parkinson's genetics

Scientists only find 6 new genetic factors for Parkinson's .

Virtual cycle genetic treatment

It's good to see those people doing something to help the son of their colleague .

Crime genetics

Genetics is already widely used in crime .

Genetic livestock threat

Livestock need genetic diversity .

Mental health genetics

I am not going to try to spell the name of the condition. However this landmark study points to a strong genetic link . 

Google genetics

Google is now getting into the genetics business .

Autism genetics

CNN argues that genetics play a bigger part than environment .

Period genetics

I am not sure what girls can do with this .

Puberty genetics

I can't see them doing very much with the results of the puberty genetic research really .

New hope

It is to do with genetic mapping .

Wheat genetics

This time it is the Daily Mail.

That many

80 is quite a lot of genes .

Most likely genetic

According to the article autism is most likely to be genetic .

Autism genetics

A new article on the genetics of autism .

Wheat genetics

This time it is Yahoo News .

Wheat genetics

International Business Times has an article on it .

Happiness genetics

The Danes seem to have the key to it .

Guardian on friendship genetics

The Guardian has an article on friendship genetics .

Wheat genetics

Another article on the genetics of the staple food of the world (at least one of the main ones).

Genetic safeguards

It seems to be a good idea .

Bread genetics

This will lead to improved bread. Bread is a staple food .

Danish happiness genetics

I had no idea that Danes were that happy .

Ageing genetics

This 5 year old girl may hold the secrets to ageing .

Friendship genetics

Another article on friendship genetics .

Friend genetics

CNN has an article on friend genetics .

Indy on friendship genetics

The Indy has an interesting article on friendship genetics .

Friendship genetics

It seems that even friendships are now genetic .

Music genetics

2 studies show that musical abilities are genetic .

Genetic tribute

Faye lost her life to a genetic condition A well deserved tribute .

Big genetic question

This is a big genetic question for potential parents .  

Learning genetics

I never knew this about learning and genetics .

Maths and reading genetics

There seems to be a lot of articles on maths and reading genetics .

Economic success genetics

I wonder if Erin Ade is going to cover this ?

Nerd or bookworm

Whether you are a maths nerd or bookworm could be down to genetics .

Stop genetic testing

A Canadian privacy watch dog is urging insurance companies to stop genetic testing .

Maths and English genetics

The Times of Malta has an article on it .

Political genetics

The New York Times has a follow up to it .

Political genetics

I vote Conservative but my family votes for any stupid party including Respect .

Maths and reading genes

It seems that the genes that influence children's reading also have an impact on their maths abilities .

Hidden genetic defects

Most of us have them according to this report .

Beyond my ability

This genetic story is beyond my ability .

Autism genetics

I have not written about the genetics of autism for sometime .

Finger genetics

Interesting man with a interesting story about a undetected genetic disorder .

Stroke and heart genetics

This is a old story which I missed. It is interesting .

Hospital builder

This boy with a genetic disorder is unusual .

Mexican genetics

I have not covered this story for sometime as it has not been mentioned for sometime .

Music genetics

The Economist has an article on it

Teeth genetics

I know what to blame for my bad teeth .

Tibetan genetics again

This time the LA Times has an article on Tibetan genetics .

More on Tibetan genetics

There is a lot of articles about Tibetan genetics .

Tibetan genetics

I covered this story I think about Tibetan genetics before .

Addition genetics

The Belfast Telegraph has an article on addition genetics but it is more to do with the arrest of the son of a Hollywood star .

Malaria genetics

This is a interesting article .

Genetic heroes

I have never heard of genetic heroes before .