
Showing posts from September, 2013

Genetic transparency

According to this article the era of genetic transparency is almost here .

Help Emma Tucker

Emma Tucker has a rare genetic disease and she needs all the financial help that she can get .

Support Golden Rice

Hi I am sure you are aware as readers of this blog that I support genetic research that could benefit the world. I believe that Golden Rice is one of those. Please visit the site and spread the word .

Cancer genetic code

I am no expert on genetics but 140 regions seems a lot to me. Maybe there is a lot of regions still left or something .

Have kids early

This is coming from James Watson one of the most important man in the history of genetics .

Jail genetics

According to a Professor in New Zealand your genetics could decide on things like how long you go to jail and whether or not you get paroled .

Aetas from India

A genetic study has revealed that they may have come from India 20,000 years ago. A lot of people come from India now .

Genetic matchmaking

The movie is not so far- fetched .

Pan cancer genetics

Nature has an article on pan cancer genetics .

Good use of genetics

Saving endangered species is a very good use of genetics .

Learning genetics

The NYT have an interesting article about teaching genetics but I have not had an opportunity to check it out properly just read a very small amount .

Breast cancer NHS

Some good genetic news for women .

Menory genetics

The Age from Australia is covering the story this time .

Cold sores

Some people may get them due to genetics .

Genetic switch for memories

It is more complicated than just one thing .

Tummy genetics

This boy has got a rare genetic tummy disorder .

Prostate cancer genetics

Genetic tests could identify the agressive ones .

Tweaking genes

Not a good idea as our genetic makeup is already complicated enough. Besides a change in one gene could have an impact which we were not expecting .

New team member

Not much in genetic news .

Poverty and genetics

The Wall Street Journal has an article on it and says that it is impossible to answer .

23andMe and genetic privacy

This lawyer tells people how to use the site without giving away genetic privacy .

Poor unlucky girl

She is bravely fighting this genetic disease the name of which I can't remember .

Mistaken for autism

I discussed this about the gentic disorder that is mistaken for autism in the last post .

Mistaken for autism

Children with another genetic disorder are been mistakenly classed as having autism. Good on Time for publishing this .

GM babies

The FDA is to hold a public meeting on genetically modified babies in October .

Multiple genetic identities

It seems that one woman can have multiple genetic identities .

Good cause

Good to see that Jason is doing something for a good cause like Jeans for Genes. Genetic diseases can be devasting . 


Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Human Genetics is managing the JScreen which allows Jewish people to check for genetic diseases .

Jeans For Genes

This is a personal message from the Prime Minister on why people should take part and he also talks about Ivan .

Genetic defects in calves

I did not know about the genetic defects in Angus calves. You learn something new everyday .

Genetic mutations

This article on genetic mutations is far too complicated for me .

Future genetics

No point you can get run over by a bus and it will be meaningless. Just live for the day .

Mental disorder genetics

Another article this time on 5 genes .

Huffington Post on right or let handed.

Huffington Post has an article on the genetics of whether people are right handed or left handed .

Right or left?

I am right handed and according to this article it is largely to do with genetics .

Genetic contamination

There is a investigation into crop contamination in Washington State according to the Guardian .

Autism genetics

It is now back in the news .

Important GE story republished

Glad to see that this article in defence of genetic engineering including golden rice has been picked up .

Eating disorder genetics

Genetics is only one part of eating disorders which are complicated and genetics is not the answer .

Mammouth, climate change and genetics

The Daily Mail has some interesting results from genetic testing about the woolly mammouth and the impact that climate change had on it .

Royal baby genetic privacy

Prince George has a right to genetic privacy .


Good to see that the administrator of USAID is defending the benefits of genetic engineering in the New York Times

Childhood leukemia genetics

The Indian Express has an article on it. I have discussed this before I am sure .

The endless debate over GE

I am fed up with the critics of genetic engineering who are not willing to engage with the debate but do things like take direct action. We need things like genetic engineering to feed the world. This is a very good article .

CSM on bats and dolphins

The Christian Science Monitor has an article on bat and dolphin genetics and asks are dolphins basically wet bats ?

Indian tiger genetics

This is bad news for Indian tigers as genetic diversity is vital to any population. It has been happening for over 200 years .

Forbes on GE tomatoes

Forbes has a very interesting article discussing genetically engineered tomatoes and the reasons why they did not use the GE ones but instead used a hybrid .

Lax genetics

This article shows just how lax genetic regulations in parts of India are .

Gladwell on doping and genetics

There is a discussion on Malcolm Gladwell and his views on doping and genetics .

Right to genetic ignorance

People have the right to genetic ignorance. Not everyone wants to know about all genetic factors and some people want to take a chance with things and events .

Treasure island

This is a genetic treasure island .

Genetic lobster

Quite an interesting read.

Dolphins and Bats

I never knew they had anything genetic in common .

Poor boy

He has an extremely rare genetic disease .

Male genetics

I did not know it was so tricky .

Old news

This genetic discrimination is old news which I have been discussing for sometime .

Gladwell on sporting genes

Malcolm Gladwell an excellent writer (I have read some of his books) has got an article on sport and genetics in The New Yorker. You have to read the article carefully .

Not surprising

This case study about genetic discrimination in the life insurance sector does not surprise me .

Genes as destiny

Life insurance companies love genetic information so they can work out risk .

NZ genetics

New Zealand needs to revisit the debate as it has not gone much further since the Royal Commission report .