
Showing posts from December, 2009

Online course

My eyes hurt but it looks interesting . This is my last post of the decade.

Genetic counselling

This is a book on genetic couselling from wikibooks but it needs a lot of serious work done to it.

Devil cancer

I have no idea that the Devils have cancer .

More on lafora

The site has been updated and I do hope that this year there might be a cure on the horizon.


An interesting article .

The future

It is quite bright for science .

Political genetics

I thought that it was to do with your intelligence rather than anything else .


The science correspondent of the Guardian has done an excellent review of the decade. It is well woth reading .

Lafora update.

Dear friends, As the year comes to a close I’d like to look forward to the year ahead with great promise. We, Chelsea’s Hope, have accomplished so much in terms of raising money for research being done at UCLA, while some of you have raised great amounts of money that was sent to Toronto for the research being done by Dr. Berge Minassian. Our goal is the same, to find a cure for Lafora, to relieve our children of the fate that lies ahead if we do not! Our hope, Chelsea’s Hope: Lafora Children Research Fund, is HOPE for all our children. We hope you all feel a part of the organization that we have formed, created and shared. It is with love, devotion and a greater sense of community that we originally began Chelsea’s Hope and with that sense of devotion and urgency to support research being done to further the Lafora understanding and research development. As of October 2009, we have successfully incorporated and filed for our 501(c)3, non-profit standing. We ha...


An important discoery has been made .


This is an interesting article .

Yale genetics

A big breakthrough .


Blaming genes for your debts.


The comments are well worth reading .

Future genetics

Anything is possible .


More on the story I discussed earlier .


A major discoery has been made .


This time from CBC in Canada .


An important gene has been found in Asthama .

Breast Cancer

More on breast cancer but this time from the Times .

Breast cancer

Is more than one disease according to an article published in Nature Genetics . Interesting isn't it.

Genetic jobs

They have plenty in Miami .

African Americans

The genetic truth.

IVF warning

IVF tests can be bad.

Cancer genetics

This time from the Nursing times .


It is only sheep breeding .

CJD genetics

The thing is not over yet .

GM wheat

It is on it's way according to the guardian .

Parent genetics

They are useful for something after all.


I am not sure I grasp the full concept.


I have more on the cancer story.


Steve Jones always has something interesting to say.

Cancer genetics

This time from CNN .


An important discovery has been made .

Celtic disease

It is not drinking .


The spirit has not totally gone in Canada anyway.

Welsh pride

They have every right to be .


It is important for climate change .

Lung cancer

An important genetic discovery has been made.

India genetics

More on the story I covered last night .

Lafora disease

If you go to page 8 you can find more information on it.

Asian migration

This is a very interesting article on the genetic history of Asia .

No way

Human genes should not be patented.

India joins elite

It is about time to.

Obesity genetics

It is quite rare .

Cancer genetics

The Welsh government needs to spend more money on it.

Curly hair

A waste of energy .


Maybe they just like eating like me.

Smoking and genetics

There maybe a link .

Stress genetics

Whatever next ?

Palm genetics

Better palm oil.

Scret to humn life

Only one really.


It is enough to make me sick .

Grey hair

Blame your parents.