
Showing posts from September, 2008

Flu virus

They are developing a genetic test in Australia that could identify the strain in hours.

Sleep disorder

There is a very interesting article on the genetics of sleeping disorder at the BBC News website.

Genetic counselling

This is a very interesting article on genetic counselling and how it can help people.

Genetic discrimination

Another interesting article on this hot topic.

Japanese genetic differences

See it turns out that not all Japanese are the same genetically . It is a myth just as Montague and others have argued.

Arab genetics

Saudi researchers are now mapping the genetic make up of 100 million Arabs. I wonder how worthwhile it is as most of the people in the world are related genetically.

Genetics win

Woman tells how genetic testing helped her win battle against breast cancer.

HIV genetics

This is an interesting story about the cost effectiveness of genetic testing for HIV .

Dog genetics

Whatever next? Pig genetics. The article looks interesting but I have not read much to be honest just the headline.

Google genetics

There is more on the story about the founder of google and his genetic likelihood of getting parkinsons disease.

Genetic test dilema

The announcement that the co-founder of google has a genetic variant associated with Parkinsons ahs raised the whole dilema of genetic testing.

Google Parkinson's

It has been reported in the New York Times that the co founder of google has a genetic mutation which increases his chances of getting the disease by 20-80%.


They are holding genetics parties. Whatever next? Public announcements of the outcome to all the guests in the party.

£10 breast test

There is hope that there could be a test for genetic breast cancer costing £10 on the market.

Dental genetics

This is an interesting story . Open wide for your teeth.

Genetic stress

Worrying over genetic testing could cause people stress . I guess that it all adds up.

Mad cow disease

One of the causes of it could be genetic . Maybe they will get gene therapy.

New Zealand genetics

The government will be putting more money into genetics in New Zealand . I wonder what can such a small country do?

Race genetics

There is another interesting story on it.


This looks interesting. Something to do with genetics but not sure what.


I am disgusted just by looking at the prices for genetic testing from $999 to $399. It is a genetic con.

Newborn genetics

An Indian hospital can detect 400 abnormalities.

Genetic confusion

It seems that there is confusion about genetic tests . Personally I would not use one unless it was supervised by a health professional.

Cancer genetics

Even more news on cancer genetics.

Insurance genetics

I think the insurance companies should pay for genetic testing .

Cheating genetics

Men now have an excause for cheating on their partners.