
Showing posts from 2008

Mixed race genetics

This is a very interesting genetic story.

Blood pressure gene

It seems 20% have this gene .

Genetic funding

It is good to know that so much money has been given to genetic disease funding.

Jackson genetics

Claims about Michael Jackson having a genetic disease is false.

More complicated

It seems that the cures to genetic diseases maybe more complicated then thought before.

World community grid

I have posted about the World community gird before but as it contains some genetics projects I feel that I should post again.

Home genetics

People are trying genetic engineering at home. Whatever next?

Stem cell news

This site is not updated on a regular basis but here it is. Stem cell news .

Cancer genetics

This is a very exciting article about some of the exciting developments in cancer genetics .

Lab genetics

This is a very interesting article about a genetic disease been recreated in the lab so that scientists can watch the progress.

More on albinism

I have more on this genetic condicition including the recent events in Tanzania. It is really interesting.

Cancer baby

Birth is due of the first baby genetically screened for cancer.


Here is more information on the genetics of vCJD.

New vCJD gene

The wonderful Susan Watts has a excellent report on a new form of vCDJ. The genetic group is different this time. Then there is a excellent interview with Professor Hugh Pennington which follows after the report.

Personality genetics

Note the geneitcs of this are only possible and it is borderline.

Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

There was an appeal on Radio 4 about this terrible genetic disorder. It is a interesting charity.

Obesity controlled by the brain

This appears in Nature Genetics . I wish they would make their mind up.

Obesity genes

Six more have been found. It seems to be genetic in some cases.


Albinoism is a genetic disorder but people with the condicition in many parts of the world face discrimination and even murder.

Genetic crimminal

There is one in Australia .

Men and baby's sex

It seems that the genetic makeup of the man may have an impact on the sex of the baby.

Popular genetics

The Sanger Institute is involved in research to see how it affects people and health.

Alcohol genetics

It seems that alcohol abuse might have something to do with genetics .

Sleep disorders and diabeties

It is amazing what they can find with the latest in genetic research.

Genetic testing

There is a company offering genetic testing for $185. It is cheaper then many others.

Jews in Spain

It seems that they havve left a significent genetic hertiage behind them.

Religious genetics

It seems that many people in Spain have Muslim or Jewish genetics . Not sure how you decide someone's religious background from genetics.

HPV genetics

This is about HPV a form of cancer . I don't understand very much but it looks like a interesting article.

Asians and genetic food

It seems that people in Asia are not worried about genetically modified food. At least the organic nonesense has not got around everywhere.

Terror genetics

It seems that sleep terrors may have a genetic link. Nowadays everything has a genetic link.

DNA athletics

This is not a new story as there was a lot of stuff on tv a few years about the genetics of athletics.

Food genetics

It seems that the recent food crisis has given the movement for GM food and biotechnology movement a push. I wonder what Raj Patel will think

Genetics shake up

It seems that Obama is proposing a shake up of genetic legislation in the United States.

Babies denied tests

Some babies are been denied genetic tests due to a patent. This is one of the dangers that people were warning about to do with gene patenting.

Climb forums

They are mainly about metabolic diseases in children. Metabolic diseases tend to be rare genetic disorders.

Very rare genetic disorder

This girl suffers from a extremely rare genetic disorder. It is so rare it has not been named.

PME diseases

I don't normally post full stories but this is an exception. This maybe a genetics links and comments blog but I can also post stories if I can't find the orginal link. From the Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News website: Nov 18 2008, 11:37 AM EST New Gene Found to Be *****ociated with Epilepsy GEN News Highlights An international research team led by the University of Iowa has found a new gene connected to epilepsy. While the PRICKLE1 gene mutation is specific to a rare form of epilepsy, the study results were surprising not only because PRICKLE1 had never been *****ociated with epilepsy but also because the gene was not *****ociated with any other human disease. The nine families involved in the study all lived in the Middle East and came from one of three family lines. Of the 47 individuals in the three family lines, 23 had a form of progressive myoclonus epilepsy accompanied by ataxia. One family line had been extensively described by a University of Iowa adjunct ...

Baywatch genetics

A actress who appeared in Baywatch has a genetic disorder.

Kangaroo DNA

This is an interesting article on the genetic makeup of Kangaroo's. It is amazing how much they have in common with humans.

More Woolly

Here is another story about the genetics of the Woolly Mammoth. This time from the FT.

Birth genetics

It seems that some male birth defects maybe caused by genetics . It is logical as we know more and more about genetics.

Woolly genetics

This is a interesting story about the genetics of the Woolly Mammoth. Appearntly there were 2 groups which disappeared in 2 different stages. This is cutting edge exciting and mammoth genetics.

Tumor cells

I have not read it yet but it looks like an interesting genetic story

Lung genetics

I have covered a lot of those genetic stories but here is a new one.

Teenager get's help

A teenager with a rare genetic disease has got help in New York.

Eldery dogs

It seems that they are to be given a second chance by offering them genetic enhancements. Now it won't be only the people who are fake.

Bear genetics

It seems that a lawsuit does do bizzare things. The US Geological Survey are trying to assertain genetically whether grizzly bears from Yellowstone have any similarities with other bears meaning whether they have bred or not. Very soon the bears will be demanding genetic tests to sue each other.

Genetic crosstalk

Plants can transfrom their genetic material from one to the other.

Public support

It seems that public support genetic testing but the question is how long are the public going to support genetic testing? I ask this as the public can change their mind quickly.

Genetic complication

Too much genetic knowledge could be a good or bad thing. Tanni Grey-Thompson was talking about this on the Wright Stuff yesterday.

Cancer genetics

I think I may have covered this before but it seems like they have taken the genetic profile of a woman with cancer.

Interesting story

This is an interesting story on genetics but I have not read it fully. Just the headline.

Genetic jigsaw

Indian scientists have helped to solve this genetic jigsaw.

Genetic jail

Some people are going to jail for thieft of genetic data. It is about time that they went to jail. I hope that ther are enough cells in Austrailia unlike Britain.

Genetic opera

There was bound to be a genetic opera sooner or later.

Cancer genetics

This is a very interesting story on cancer genetics .

Suroget genetics

Parents want their genetic data on the birth certificate.

Life extending genetics

It is amazing what they can do and now they are using genetics to extend the shelf life of eggplants.

Lafora group

Lafora is a genetic disease which I have covered a lot in this blog for personal reasons. There is a group for lafora and all are welcome to visit it. You can find more information and support about this rare genetic disorder.

Gene altering

This is a interesting story about genetics and what could happen.

Lung genetics

Here is more on the genetics of lung cancer.

Post-natal genetics

It seems that the most severe from of acute post-natal depression which could lead to suicide may after all be genetic.

Ice man genetics

This is a interesting story about a genetic trait no longer found in Europe.

Historical genetics

This is a interesting story about the genetic footprints left in the history of the human population.

Breast cancer genetics

This company is hoping to improve it but also make a healthy profit at the same time. Then genetics is big business.

Transexual genetics

Australian scientists have done it. It seems like there maybe some genetics involved in it.

Designer babies

More on the new genetics test for babies

Genetic skier

With a genetic eye disease this man can most certainly do moves.

Designer babies

This is another story about genetics and the implications of genetic screening for perfect babies. This is also expensive at £1500.

Lung genetics

There is another story about the genetics of lung cancer.

Glow cat

Scientists have used genetics to get a cat to glow in the dark.

Depression genetics

It is sad to see the Danes are willing to pay for it.

Liver cancer

This is an interesting article on the genetics of liver cancer.

Behviour genetics

This is a very interesting article about whether knowing your genetics will change your attuitude to things like obesity.

Share genetic data

A Havard Professor of Genetics should be interesting to see the results.

Bald genetics

Here is more on the genetics of baldness I hope they can discover a cure so I can get some hair back.


It seems that the Australians have opened an investigation into genetic testing for cancer. From what I have been reading it is about time to.

Work disability

This is an interesting article on the genetics and enviornmental causes of work related disability. It is worth looking at.

Baldness genetics

Here is more news .

Lorenzo's oil

This is the reality behind ALD the devasting genetic disability that was covered in the film.

Bald genetics

I hope that they find a cure as baldness is a horrible condicition which I have. I hope that they can someday invent a simple genetic cure.

Light genetics

Sounds like science fiction . I have not had the opportunity to read the story yet. How come there are no comments ever posted here?

Microsoft genetics

Microsoft is sponsoring a study to measure the impact of genetic testing on people's lives and whether they change behaviour.

Downs syndrome

There is a new genetic test for the condicition. It is less harmful to the baby.

Lafora disease

Here are 2 websites on this rare genetic disorder. One is for Chelsea and the other is for Matt . Both sites have a lot of good information.

Genetics documentary

This article looks interesting and it is worth a read. I remember there was another documentary about genetics on the BBC sometime ago called bitter inhertiance.


It has a lot to do with genetics .

Wheat genetics

This will lead to better and disease resistant wheat . I bet that there will be another side to this story from people who disagree.

HIV genetics

According to genetic material found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo the HIV virus goes back to about 1900.

Flu test

A genetic test for flu has been approved.

Flu virus

They are developing a genetic test in Australia that could identify the strain in hours.

Sleep disorder

There is a very interesting article on the genetics of sleeping disorder at the BBC News website.

Genetic counselling

This is a very interesting article on genetic counselling and how it can help people.

Genetic discrimination

Another interesting article on this hot topic.

Japanese genetic differences

See it turns out that not all Japanese are the same genetically . It is a myth just as Montague and others have argued.

Arab genetics

Saudi researchers are now mapping the genetic make up of 100 million Arabs. I wonder how worthwhile it is as most of the people in the world are related genetically.

Genetics win

Woman tells how genetic testing helped her win battle against breast cancer.

HIV genetics

This is an interesting story about the cost effectiveness of genetic testing for HIV .

Dog genetics

Whatever next? Pig genetics. The article looks interesting but I have not read much to be honest just the headline.

Google genetics

There is more on the story about the founder of google and his genetic likelihood of getting parkinsons disease.

Genetic test dilema

The announcement that the co-founder of google has a genetic variant associated with Parkinsons ahs raised the whole dilema of genetic testing.

Google Parkinson's

It has been reported in the New York Times that the co founder of google has a genetic mutation which increases his chances of getting the disease by 20-80%.


They are holding genetics parties. Whatever next? Public announcements of the outcome to all the guests in the party.

£10 breast test

There is hope that there could be a test for genetic breast cancer costing £10 on the market.

Dental genetics

This is an interesting story . Open wide for your teeth.

Genetic stress

Worrying over genetic testing could cause people stress . I guess that it all adds up.

Mad cow disease

One of the causes of it could be genetic . Maybe they will get gene therapy.

New Zealand genetics

The government will be putting more money into genetics in New Zealand . I wonder what can such a small country do?

Race genetics

There is another interesting story on it.


This looks interesting. Something to do with genetics but not sure what.


I am disgusted just by looking at the prices for genetic testing from $999 to $399. It is a genetic con.

Newborn genetics

An Indian hospital can detect 400 abnormalities.

Genetic confusion

It seems that there is confusion about genetic tests . Personally I would not use one unless it was supervised by a health professional.

Cancer genetics

Even more news on cancer genetics.

Insurance genetics

I think the insurance companies should pay for genetic testing .

Cheating genetics

Men now have an excause for cheating on their partners.

Genetic testing

An interesting article worth reading about genetics and disease.

Mice genetics

Austism can now be studied in mice.

Any news

I have been away on holiday. Has there been any news on the genetics front?


This is a interesting story about HIV and genetics in Africa.

California genetics

California has brought in laws to control DNA testing companies .

Home genetic testing

I personally don't want to know very much .

Autism genetics

Middle Eastern families may hold the answers .

Sex genetics

Yes that is right another story .

Genetic testing

Another story on genetic testing .

Political genetics

What next? Toilet paper genetics .

Sex of genetics

Yes I can see religious nuts trying to change people.

Saving choclate

They are now using genetics to save choclate .

Pyschiatric genetics

It has not been very promising as most of the genetic stuff has not been signifcant.

Downside of genetic testing

Yes genetic testing does have a downside. Howeve in this blog just like most people I have overlooked the downside but that is because there are not many stories on the downside of genetic testing and most of them are about new genetic discoveries. If there are any about the dcownside of genetics then I will publish them.

TSC genetics

UCLA researchers are making discoveries in this genetic disorder .

Genetic tests 2014

This is a follow up to a earlier story about a mouratourim . It seems like insurance companies will not get results from genetic testing until 2014. Unless they can find a way around it. This is one of the downsides of genetics the fact that some people could become uninsurable.

California clampdown

The State is taking a stance against companies providing expensive genetic testing.

Learning genetics

Some people will never learn .

Genetic mouratourm

The ABI have extended it to 2014 .


Most of the news on genetics now seems to be commercially orientated.

ADHD is genetic

It's a article from the Economist so as they say read carefully.

Cow genetics

There will be more female cows.


What can genetics do about the food crisis?

Dermatology genetics

Another interesting story about Dermatology and the promise of genetics. I wonder what it will solve in the future?

Lazy genetics

Some people could be genetically lazy next thing they will come up with a genetic excause why some people are stupid.


Genetic testing could ensure safe supplies in the third world. This will hopefully spot a lot of the harmful things in the water.

Genetics of smoking

This is a very interesting article but please read it before you make assumptions about genetics and smoking.

Genetics warning

A timely warning about genetics.

Childhood epilepsy

This is a good story about the genetics of childhood epilepsy.

Genetics leader resigns

He has done a lot including support the very expensive human genone project. Let's wish him all the best.,0,3395360.story

Cancer genetics

This is a somewhat technical report on the link between genetics and lung cancer.

Jewish geentics

Jewish cancer genetics.

Genetics law

The genetics act has become law.

Genetic testing

More hospitals use it.

Way paved for research

The House of Commons vote was important for genetic research.

Genetic surgery

Was performed in Saudi Arabia on a young boy.

Cousin marriages

People to be offered genetic testing.

Gay genetics

It may all be in the genes. Now all we have to figuure out is why young woman marry old perverts.

Autism genetics

200 families are required for the study.

Mental health genetics

Here we go again. I was wondering what is not genetic those days.

Childhood cancer genetics

Looks interesting.

Abuse genetics

Abuse can alter genetics.

Genetic code for obesity

Now we all can eat as much as we want to only if it was true.

Genetic discrimination

Here is an update.

Climb forums

Those forums are mainly for people with metabolic genetic disorders.

Skin genetics

Don't forget about skin care as well.

Gene therapy for eyes

Can you see the results and some believe it will lead to more genetic stuff for eyes.

Genetic landscape of India

This looks like a complex report from the government of India.

Indian AIDS genetics

Indians have no genetic or natural protection whatsoever.

Genetic discrimination

The senate is expected to pass laws against it.

Genetic drugs

Just ahead of the olympic games.

Google genetics

We may get a google hospital next or god knows what.

Parkinsons mainly genetic

A story worth a read.

Genetic engineering website

A new website on genetic engineering,350187.shtml

Genetic scams

Yes folks there is some around.,0,2443364.story

Genetics of fear

I hope that explains why I am afraid of dogs.

DNA dilema

The problems that genetic testing brings.

Diabetes genetics

Yes I think I may have covered this in the past.

Muscular dystrophy

You can support research into this genetic disorder at:

Parkinson's stem cells

A sginifcant breakthrogh. I wonder how long before it happens for genetic diseases with humans?

Good old Catholic Church

It's good to know that they have lost the plot. I find the words disgusting but then genetic medicine will continue without the comments of an ignorant Cardinal. If he get's something genetic I hope he does not take the treatment and goes to the Vatican to be with the Pope.

Obesity genetics

Yes folks it's the same kind of story again.

National bio bank

Genetic long shot.

British humour

It's genetic.


It maybe partly genetic.

Genetics and suicude

There is a bit more to it but it is worth checking out.

Cow genetics China

From Reuters.

Lung cancer

There is a company which is in the market of developing tests for genetic lung disease.

Walking 4 climnb

What a brave man raising money for children and adults affected by genetic disorders.


Genetics is now explaining how people have moved around.


Gene therapy is a possbile cure.,21985,23184913-661,00.html

World Community Grid

Your computer can help to support resarch including genetics.

Updated website

The Chelsea's Hope website has been udpated including the latest information on the genetics of lafora.

Depression genetics

Whatever next?

Genetics and rare diseases information centre

The website looks good and I would suggest visiting it.

Lafora disease

I have found another article on this extremely rare genetic disease. For the latest on the research you can visit.


A wiki about human genetics from the genetics alliance.

Gene doping

IOC hopes to crack down on it. Another bad use for genetics.


The conversational side of genetics